Cheap Ways To Make Your Armies on Parade Display

By Jack Stover | August 30th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Hobby Hacks, jstove, Warhammer 40k News

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Hobby smarter! Check a big way to save those hobby dollars as you prepare your displays for Armies on Parade Season this fall.

Jstove here and Armies On Parade season is starting at your local GW. But before you commit to buying that big plastic Realm of Battle tile, allow me to interject- DON’T DO IT!

Cheap Ways To Make Your Armies on Parade Display

There are cheaper and easier alternatives to building your parade board at your local adult toy store, Home Depot. Take a walk with me and I’ll show you.

2×2 MDF Board -(4 Bucks)

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First things first, a standard GW Realm of Battle tile/Armies on Parade board is 2 feet by 2 feet. Score one of these four dollar MDF boards as the base for your parade board and you’re set, no need to cut it.

2×2 Insulation Board- (6 Bucks)

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Next, you can add depth and texture with insulation foam boards. Just like the MDF, these are pre-cut into 2×2 squares, no problem.

Stainless Steel Metal- $10+ (Depending on Size)

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Here’s some hot tech- If you want a tiled temple or marble floor pattern for your board, you can get fancy and score some cut out stainless steel sheets. The smaller ones go for around ten bucks, but you can get them as big as three feet by three feet.

Moulding- (Price Varies)

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To finish off your board and really fancy it up, you can frame it in moulding with a pre-cut pattern already finished into it.

And for the love of all the chaos gods, don’t buy that Realm of Battle tile! It’s ugly and you can do it yourself so much better and cheaper!

oh yeah

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