Citadel Contrast Paint System REVEALED!

citadel contrast paint games workshop

It’s happening! Citadel “Contrast” Paints are here! Do not miss the big reveal of the new paints and the very easy process of using them!

Before we jump into the latest on project “contrast”, check out previous rumors that appear to still be in play for this new product!

Warhammer Community previewed a video at their Adepticon preview called “Fifty Shelves of Grey”. The video showcased nothing but grey models in the”largest collection in the world” and popped up a “grey no more” title at the end of the video.

Is this a situation familiar to you? We know that while grey plastic has its charms, the dreaded backlog can feel a bit intimidating at times. Well, worry not – soon, we’ll be adding something huge to our paint range that’s going to make painting your models even simpler. Stay tuned for more teases soon…

Rumors of More Citadel paints & Hobby Gear Emerge

Earlier rumors said that we could be seeing a whole new line of Citadel paints along with a Citadel airbrush hit the market sometime in May/June.  The “Fifty Shades of Grey” video wasn’t a foreshadowing of GW’s grey plastic sprues switching to colored plastic. Just that their line of painting support would help people get their miniatures looking the way they want them.

Faeit 212 quoted the following from “an anonymous source”:

No colored plastic.
Instead a new massive paint release in May/June (the timeline was mentioned and not confirmed by the other sources). This will be a huge expansion on the current paint range.
This will include a airbrush paints with the return of old paints and a new “blending” type of paint that will be very slow drying.

Faeit also quoted Nick Powell as saying the following:

Overheard at adepticon that well known painters have been working with GW to help create the new paints and some of them will be new formula washes that act more like acrylic pin washes and leave no staining on flat surfaces.

Industry Insider Points Towards the Paint Racks

gw paint rack retail system extra rows new paint pots airbrush

As for the latest update on these rumors, an industry insider mentioned:

Citadel hobby displays inside game stores will be getting an extension rack for the new product launch. Big things are coming, BIG!

You might not think that the Citadel paint racks have any extra space. In reality, the box marked in red from the pic above is all extra paints. That’s where all the runoff product goes. So if there’s an extension that is going to hook onto the rack, could it be to hold more paints? Could it be a flat shelf-type addon that holds boxes of airbrushes or painting starter sets? (Maybe something like 5 bases, 5 layers, 3 washes).

It probably goes without saying at this point that new retail systems are coming for Contrast for it’s rollout in June:

Contrast Revealed At Warhammer Fest 2019:

citadel contrast paint games workshop


Contrast is designed to be super simple to use. If you’ve ever wanted to tackle a hundreds-strong horde of Orks, a Hive Fleet’s worth of Tyranids or a skeletal horde that’d impress Nagash himself, but never thought you could get them all painted, Contrast is for you. If you’ve got a tournament in two weeks and just need to add the latest unit to your army, Contrast is for you. If you’re just looking to save some time and get gaming, Contrast is for you.

citadel contrast paint games workshop

Image from Warhammer 40k FB group via the Shizuoka Hobby in Japan.

No official word yet on size, or cost of each pot, however, this appears to be a hybrid size between the current 12ml pot and the 24ml “wash pot” Remember that currently, the 24ml pot full of wash (or texture paint) costs $7.80!

citadel contrast paint games workshop

For you experienced painters, Contrast is a new weapon in your arsenal. It has distinctive properties and flow, both of which are unlike anything you’ve used before. On its own, it’s a great time saver – but combined with the rest of the Citadel paint range, it’s got incredible potential. Blending, glazes, and smooth gradients are easier to achieve than ever, and to help you experiment with this new paint, we’ll also be launching a new Contrast Medium which gives pros even more opportunities to play with this new paint’s unique properties. And with dozens of Contrast colours at launch, the sky’s the limit.


citadel contrast paint games workshop

Contrast is more than just a new paint though – it’s a whole new way to approach painting. For those after a Battle Ready finish, the Contrast Method has been devised to make awesome results easily attainable for absolutely anyone.

You’ll be able to get your models ready for the tabletop in no time.

citadel contrast paint games workshop

Looks like there ver 30 different contrast paints, along with a rainbow of opportunity to paint your models easier! Not pictured (though visible in the glass bottom left) are two new Citadel Color sprays that are designed to work with this new system as well.

Here are some Work In Progress shots of models painted at Warhammer Fest using Contrast sent to us from Sablednah

citadel contrast paint games workshop

This shot shows the consistency of the paint. One thick coat indeed!

citadel contrast paint games workshop

Looks like it is a brave new hobby world out there folks, as, from first looks, it just got easier to paint your minis!  Contrast may change how everyone hobbies on Warhammer from beginner to veteran alike!

Want to know more?

Warhammer Fest 2019

Exclusive Warhammer Fest Coverage

Which Contrast paint do you want more? Will grey tide armies still be a thing in 6 months? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.