Cities of Sigmar, Orruks & New 40k Rulebook: FIRST LOOK

warhammer gw store first look

GW is taking a break from new model releases and is giving us a huge batch of rules! Two new battletomes for AOS and a mini-rulebook for 40k are here.
A new mini rulebook for 40k and two new battletomes for AOS are on the way. Let’s take a quick first look at them!

Warhammer 40k: The Rules Mini Rulebooknew warhammer 40k rulebook

Battletome: Orruk Warclans

orruk battletome

Battletome: Cities of Sigmar

Warscroll Cards: Orruk Warclans

orruk warscrolls

Warscroll Cards: Cities of Sigmar

cities of sigmar warscroll cards

Anvilgard Start Collecting




Greywater Fastness Start Collecting

greywater fastness


Greywater Fastness

Are you excited about the two new battletomes in AOS? Or maybe you just want a smaller version of the 8th Edition 40k rules? Either way, change is coming!

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