City Ruins Terrain Rampart 3 Kickstarter: Unboxing & Build

City Ruins Terrain KS rIn this unboxing Rob is going to take a look at the new City Ruins Terrain that is a part of the Rampart 3 Kickstarter project!

The hobby maniacs over at Archon Studios have been putting in a ton of work on the new Kickstarter and it’s really paid off. This Kickstarter takes all the good things of their previous project, but takes it to the next level and fills in all the gaps.

Today Rob is taking a look at a ton of the new terrain! We are going to show you a lot of what the project comes with, how it looks, what it can be used for, and some size comparisons. That way you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. 

City Ruins Terrain Rampart 3 Kickstarter: Unboxing

Rampart KickstarterTheir previous Kickstarters have been all super dope and we expect this to be the best one yet. The reason why? They actually did a bunch of surveys to see what was missing from their previous projects and made sure to add it to this project. The floors were probably the weakest part of the old project, but they really took that aspect over the top this time. Not to mention the ladders, ramps, and walls.

Not only is the new stuff awesome, but it is also compatible with their two previous campaigns. This will fill in all the gaps and make your table better than ever.

Rampart KickstarterWith how modular it is, it’s really that simple! Plus, you can magnetize everything, so you don’t even have to pop it in. Then, for the price, you can get a full Kill Team or Necromunda board for only €99. It’s all high-quality plastic and they are one of the only people in Europe with this tech and don’t farm it out to China. 

Rampart KickstarterSince Rob has the prototype they don’t have all the trim and everything yet, which is all part of doing a KS to get the money to do all that. Click Here To Get Your Rampart Terrain!

The Parts

City Ruins Terrain KS 3The terrain all looks great and you get a ton of pieces with it. You don’t have to glue hardly anything down because of how they made it.

City Ruins Terrain KS 2Then with the peg system they use, you get a ton of extra strength on everything.

City Ruins Terrain KS 4They’ve always had great walls though, this time the floors are so much better. they actually made these couplers that let you build up and attach the floors.

City Ruins Terrain KS 5


City Ruins Terrain KS 6You can see how tight they lock in here, which is just a huge upgrade and something we love to see.

City Ruins Terrain KS 7You can also see these can be used as your foundation as well if you just don’t want the game mat being the bottom of it. The floors are also compatible with their other projects. So this gives you much more value as well.

Built Rampart 3 Kickstarter Terrain

City Ruins Terrain KS 8


City Ruins Terrain KS 9Here’s the terrain all built up and you can see the size is pretty perfect for this scale and it just looks amazing. In the project, you get more than this, but even this is a lot of stuff!

City Ruins Terrain KS 10


City Ruins Terrain KS 11It is so well-sized for sci-fi-style games and supports minis very well. The terrain of the final project is going to look even better than this because it will have more detail. This whole board hardly took any time, but there are so many options it’s almost hard to decide how to build it all.

City Ruins Terrain KS 12Overall it’s just an awesome project with the sky as the limit.

Click Here To Get Your Rampart Terrain!

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