Cleaning Up 40k Tournaments, & Kill Team Rules LATEST

alpha legion wal hor

Check out what you may have missed this weekend, while you were getting your hobby on or just enjoying the mid-summer weather!

If you blinked this weekend you may have missed an update for one of the games you love. Here are the latest hobby updates since Friday to get you back in the trenches headed into August!

New Black Library: Hunger, Horusian Wars, & Hydras

BL Cover Cleaning Up 40k Tournaments, & Kill Team Rules LATEST

More great books are here from GW this week, as Hunger, Horusian Wars 2, and Sons of the Hydra headline the lore side of things from the Black Library.

Latest on ITC Floor Rules, Bannings, & Cheaters

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The ITC has stepped up to set the standard for Sportsmanship with new floor rules. We’ve just got a more in-depth idea on what these rules will cover.

GW Confirms New Kill Team Releases & AoS Wave 4

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New 40k Kill Team expansions are coming out for pre-order next week… along with some Wave 4 of Age of Sigmar 2.0.

Games Workshop’s Guide to Running an Event

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Have you been wanting to run an event at your game store but haven’t had any solid guidelines to go off of?

Predator 6″ Statue Giveaway July 23rd 9pm EST

Don’t miss your chance to win a resin 6″ Predator Statue July 23rd at 9 pm while watching our latest hobby tutorial on Twitch.

40k Kill Team: Final Faction Previews & More

kill team Warhammer 40k Kill Team Rules LATEST

Kill Team previews are finally coming to a close just as the releases go on pre-order.

And that’s a wrap! Don’t forget to keep your eyes peeled for what else the gaming world is about to throw at you this week. We’ll have it all here on Spikey Bits.

rogue trader skirmish

Latest News & Rumors from Games Workshop