Collection of Killy Bits: Ork Conversion Corner

The Orks usually pick the biggest guy to be their new Warboss, so when the goblins wanted to take over this Warboss showed up!

Come see one awesome model brought to us by Lawrence Jones of Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook Group.

Still a work in progress, but you know those little green guys can get into trouble if you let them loose in the workshop 

Ork Conversion

They thought that if they made a big enough machine no one might see that there are little guys inside.

Ork Conversion

They were right, this “Iron Warboss” has been seen all over the galaxy.

Ork Conversion

“Give him da claw!”

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!