Collector Of Finer Things, Trazyn The Infinite: LORE

By Tim Roberts | March 29th, 2018 | Categories: Necrons, Warhammer 40k Lore, Warhammer 40k News

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Today’s lore is all about the finer things in a world that knows only war. Let’s take a look a collector of priceless Relics and ancient artifacts: Trazyn the Infinite.

Trazyn is an ancient being that has many priceless relics almost as old as his own consciousness.  He is the keeper of lost Tech and the history of a doomed race. Let’s take a look at an interesting character, Trazyn The Infinite.

Via Lexicanum:

Trazyn the Infinite is an ancient Necron Overlord of the Nihilakh Dynasty noted amongst his kind as a keeper of history and a preserver of artifacts and events on the Tomb World of Solemnace.Trazyn


He is known to hold technologies and relics that are so rare as to be priceless. His collection includes the fabled Wraithbone choir of Altansar, the preserved head of Sebastian Thor, the ossified husk of an Enslaver, and a giant man wearing baroque Power Armour. Trazyn’s nature means that he is loathe to explore the galaxy himself but his desire to gather exquisite artifacts to both see and cataologue forces him to go out amongst the stars, when there is an opportunity he cannot afford to miss. Furthermore, he is known to often send substitutes of himself to do his work for him and many have become annoyed to discover that the Necron they had slain who they believed to had been Trazyn was in fact a Lychguard or a Necron Lord. On such occasions, the real Trazyn works to break through his enemy’s opposition in order to get his hands on his latest prize to add to his collection.Over Lord 1

Trazyn has tried twice to obtain the Spear of Vulkan from Salamanders Forgefather Vulkan He’stan. However he was defeated in personal combat by He’stan, and later foiled once again in the Tochran Crusade.necrons army Dynasty

During the Thirteenth Black Crusade Trazyn’s collection on Solemnace was thrown into upheaval. This provoked the Necron lord into investigating the cause via the Celestial Orrery, where he discovered that Pylons were holding back the tide of the Warp on Cadia. Not wishing to see Chaos spread throughout the Galaxy and perhaps searching for new items of his collection, Trazyn ventured to Cadia and aided the Imperial defenders there. On Cadia Trazyn worked with Belisarius Cawl in activating Cadia’s Pylons but ultimately could not prevent the destruction of the planet. As Cadia died, Trazyn took part in the final battle against Abaddon and unleashed much of his collection against the Black Legion, but seeing that Cadia was doomed he promptly teleported away

Necron Head

Find Out More About Trazyn The Infinite!

About the Author: Tim Roberts