Colored Squad Markers Packs & DIY Singles

Colored Squad Markers feature rIf you’ve loved the Squad Markers but have been wanting some color, you’re in luck with the new Colored Squad Markers packs!

Squad Marks are the perfect way to magnetize your minis easily and mark out your squads. People have been asking for some color, and they’ve delivered! They have come out with 30-35mm size and the 60-65mm size as well. So if you’ve been looking for a way to make storing, carrying, and playing with your minis easier, you have to check these out!

Not only are they coming out with the ten packs, but they are also adding DIY singles to the store as well. If you just need a few more, this is the perfect way to grab them! Let’s take a closer look at the new sets.

Colored Squad Markers 30-35mm 10 Pack: $9.00

Colored Squad Markers


30mm Colored Squad Markers


30mm MarkersPerfect for the medium-sized minis in your forces! And now you can finally get them in color! It just saves you from having to paint them, making it even easier to identify which squad is which. Check out what else Squad Marks is up to! Just to note, the expected release date was November 2nd.

Here’s what they have o say about them:

Squad markers for 30mm to 35mm diameter bases and self adjusts to any base size in between. All Squad Marks packs are offered in different matte-colored plastic and have the magnet pressed into the Squad Mark with some added glue, but it is removable with a small pick tool.

Each pack includes:

  • 10 x Squad markers

  • 10 x 8mm x 1mm rare earth magnets

60-65mm 3 Pack: $6.00

Colored Squad Markers feature r


Magnetized Squad Markers


60mm Colored Squad MarkersThe same great magnetized markers, just for the bigger sized minis in your force.

Here’s what they have to say about them:

Squad markers for 60mm to 65mm diameter bases and self adjusts to any base size in between. All Squad Marks packs are offered in different matte-colored plastic and have the magnet pressed into the Squad Mark with some added glue, but it is removable with a small pick tool.

Works with clear flying bases and angled bases.

Each pack includes:

  • 3 x Squad markers

  • 3 x 8mm x 1mm rare earth magnets

DIY Colored Singles: Price Varies Depending on Size

DIY SinglesFor when you only need a couple of markers and not the whole pack, these are the way to go! They come in sizes from 25 mm up to 65mm and in four colors. Let’s hear their thoughts on the singles:

Only need a couple of Squad Marks for your small skirmish game? These single packs allow you to customize and sample without having to purchase a whole pack. Perfect for Kill Team, Blood Bowl, Starwars Legion, Infinity, Warmachine, and many more.

Price is for 1 Squad Mark with a magnet.

That does it for this one! Go add some color to your forces today!

Get Your Colored Squad Markers Here!