Commisar Yarrick’s Battles In Armageddon – LORE

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The Third War of Armageddon rages on as Commissar Yarrick struggles to defeat the massive green tide of Ghazghkull Thraka’s forces!

Via our good friends at Lexicanum

Again it was left to Commissar Yarrick to defend Armageddon from Ghazghkull’s forces. He did this by forging the PDF and Armageddon Regiments into a perfectly disciplined fighting force, an ‘unstoppable machine of iron and steel’. When Ghazghkull heard that his old nemesis was once again in the fray he redoubled his efforts and tried to break the back of Armageddon.

Yarrick also received much help from various Space Marine Chapters, as they knew all too well the strategic value of Armageddon. The Space Marines began to establish battle lines and Von Strab was hunted down and killed by a unit of Penal Legion troopers known as the Last Chancers. The situation improved dramatically for the Imperial forces as the Season of Fire broke upon Armageddon. Temperatures outside the Hives soared until even the Orks were forced inside. Faced with this new situation, a stalemate has been reached.

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It was at Ghattana Bay, the location of an important water processing plant, that saw the largest Dreadnought vs Dreadnought confrontation of the war. The Ork attack had by this point stalled and the Warboss Judrog Irontoof committed every Deff Dread and Killa Kan in his arsenal to a single attack against the Space Marine lines weakened by an earlier Kommando attack.


As the defenders were battered by Ork weaponry, Judrog’s Dreadnought charge breached the defenses around Ghattana Bay but as they approached Gate IX, they were surprised to find a line of seventeen Venerable Dreadnoughts armed with lascannons, autocannons, and missile launchers blocking their path. At their head was Brother Damos of the Angels Porphyr, who led a devastating first salvo against the first wave of Ork Dreads. Equipped with better weapons, the Ork machines initially took heavy losses but eventually reached the Space Marine lines, though the four hundred meter advance cost them seventeen Dreadnoughts. Nonetheless the Orks still came at the Space Marines, hurling themselves against Gate IX.

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Flight was not the plan however, Brother Damos and his Dreadnoughts were ready for Irontoof’s Orks and poured heavy fire from their ramparts and decimating the tightly packed Ork Dreadnought formation. As the Ork dreadnoughts became bottlenecked, the Space Marine Dreadnoughts cut into them in an assault led by Brother Weylands.

Though not a single Dreadnought fled, the Ork machines were ultimately destroyed. Judrog’s bold but unsupported attack had failed. With his final reserves now destroyed, Judrog was forced to withdraw in the face of heavy Thunderhawk air attacks. But while the Space Marines had emerged victorious, they had lost seven of their seventeen ancient dreadnoughts.

Find out more about the Third War of Armageddon