CONFIRMED – 40k Eldar Getting a Name Change?

By James Rodriguez | January 18th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

eldar picIn the most recent video of Gathering Storm 2 we saw Ahriman call the ancient Eldar, Aeldari! Come find out what writer Robbie MacNiven has to say about it!

First and foremost, in case you missed the Gathering Storm II post, this is the new teaser from GW.

Are they hinting that a main character will die and be brought back to life?

For a lot of people, just seeing the name Aeldari pop up ruffled some feathers. Let’s take a look at what exactly was said.

It’s true, the Eldar will now have the new name Aeldari. Robbie MacNiven was excited to comment on one users question concerning the name change in his personal blog.

Aeldari confirmation

So much like the Imperial Guard and Astra Militarum, the Eldar, Aeldari, will carry 2 names with them from now on. There are some people that aren’t happy with the name addition, not change. But for the most part the chatter on the internet is accepting of the new name addition.

One user was quick to comment, just below what Robbie MacNiven wrote, on the Dark Eldar’s, possible, name change/addition. What does this spell out for the Future of Dark Eldar? What will they be called? And better yet, what’s going to happen with Eldrad Ulthan?


Remember not to long ago factions like Elves going to Aelfs, Lizardmen to Seraphon, etc. Has the Age of Sigmar IP lockdown of names begun for the existing 40k factions, or has it been going on for awhile with things like Adeptus Astartes: Dark Angels etc?

What are your thoughts on the new name? What new characters are going to emerge from the “ancient Aeldari”? We would really like to hear what you have to say. Let’s get some input from those true Eldar fans out!

Gathering Storm 2

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