Starcraft Space Marines – Conversion Corner

warhammer 40000 space marine Walpaper Horz

When it comes down to taking out Tyranids, the guys from Starcraft are going to be the best people for the job. Check out today’s conversion corner.

Come see some awesome minis brought to us by hobbimaniac Carolus Kirchner. What the heck are they?

15541201_1196213420500017_1707779489771815162_n 15542202_1196213417166684_1294808444300182076_n 15578714_1196213527166673_5772742177050068720_n 15590100_1196213537166672_3867985892900486670_n 15590363_1196213470500012_2665332830710433268_n 15590569_1196213467166679_7685925584538411960_n 15622150_1196213443833348_3201325949894911610_n 15665393_1196213440500015_3616856634922760642_n 15665820_1196213510500008_8555086519699907658_n

Bring on the ‘nids, we got em!

This Week’s Top Conversion Corners

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits?   We want those pics!  Hungry for more Conversions, and Hobby

Showcases? Checkout our Playlist below!