Lately I’ve discovered a ton of great hobby work going on out there, besides what’s on just the “bigger blogs”.
Let’s face it with the proliferation of the Internet it has become much easier to learn and promote your own hobby in just a few clicks.
Also chances are that any conversion or idea you want to actually “see” can just be looked up in less that a second or two on the ‘net.
That’s how I found White Metal Games (WMG). I don’t remember exactly what I was looking for, but I ended up there somehow. As it turns out Caleb, does some amazing work and he is also more than willing do it for others as well.
Below is a brief summary of who is behind WMG and what they do exactly.
“I started playing Tyranids back in 2nd edition. In those days there was a model for every unit in the codex and my conversion skills amounted to bending an arm or swapping out a venom cannon for a barbed strangler!
Then came the latest edition of the Tyranid codex and with it a slue of new units without representation on the table.
They say necessity is the mother of all great invention, and such was certainly the case here.
Over time, I began to notice a trend . . . most of my clients wanted tournament friendly models, and by that I mean over 50% GW bits. Even if they weren’t competing, and most weren’t, everyone wants the opportunity to compete. So I started building models that were a bit more conducive to the tournament circuit. I still occasionally branched out and built something off the grid, just to fun, but most of the time these days I try to stick to the kits when and where it’s practical to do so.
For those of you who have never seen my work before, check out my blog at I am a conversion artist for hire and I am always happy to provide a free quote to potential client.
Be sure to check him out, as he’s very easy to deal with! -MBG