Conversion Corner- Thousand Sons Rhino WIP

Check out this work in progress Chaos Thousand Sons Rhino by Jkin. If you missed his sweet Daemon Prince conversion recently do yourself a favor and check it out!

Back to his new work, this puppy has got it all! This M41 Chaos Rhino comes standard with Spikey Bits, chains of doom, and a slight case of daemonic possession (better get that looked at).  
The part I like the most is the false psyker attached to the dozer blade.  SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS!

More on this conversion as I get it, and I am stoked to see the finished product!– MBG
Want to see your conversion on Spikey Bits, or possibly Bell of Lost Souls? Take a picture of your conversion against a white background, and send it to me with a description of your work. I’ll try to work it on here as I can!