Converting AoS Blightkings to 40k Deathguard: Tutorial

Converting AoS Blightkings to 40k Deathguard TutorialeBay Miniature Rescues is tackling a new project this week-  converting AoS Blightkings to 40k Deathguard with a myriad of bits from eBay.

eBay Miniature Rescues is a unique channel that shows you how to take beat up, damaged minis, and restore them to their fullest potential! It’s a relatively new channel on YouTube and it’s super fun to watch what Casey is able to do with some once hopeless miniatures. This week, he shows us how to convert Blightkings into Deathgaurd using a bunch of eBay bits. 

Converting AoS Blightkings to 40k Deathguard: Tutorial

BlightkingThe Blightking before any conversions. He was able to get the majority of the bits off eBay for next to nothing that he’s about to use. But he did get some of the fancier bits (like the heads) from Kromlech.

The Bits used

Bits for conversionEverything laid out waiting to be converted. Just make sure the bits you pick look like they would fit on the model. Nothing worse than starting the conversion and the bits don’t look right. The first thing you need to do after acquiring all your bits is trim off any non Deathguard stuff off the model. Like on this one there was some seaweed- ew.

Clipping And Dremelling

Removing ArmsNext, clip off the arms where appropriate and remove the head. If the new head doesn’t fit quite right, you can use a Dremel to make the extra space. Once you cut everything off, dry-fit the pieces before gluing to make sure you don’t need to take more off.

Glue it all on

Plastic CementOnce it’s all dry fit, start gluing the bits in! Once everything is dry he then goes over the seems with some plastic cement. This cleans up the seam lines and any gaps to make it look more natural.


Tentacles and finishing upTo finish up the conversion he uses the wire roller from Greenstuff World to make some tentacles. It’s really easy to use! You simply put Greenstuff into the roller and move it back and forth. This creates a great looking tentacle. Attach the tentacles to the armor wherever you want your dude to have more appendages! Then use a hobby knife to mold it into the armor.

Editor’s Note: Here in the states its probably easier to get this bad boy, and it’s clear so you actually see what you are doing too!

Tentacle Maker V2

It’s really that simple. You walk away with an awesome conversion without too much effort. And if you get most of the bits off eBay, not too expensive either!

Finished DeathguardA look at some of the other guys he converted. They all look great! Each one only takes a little bit of time and really make your army look different on the tabletop.

Watch the full video above, and be sure to follow eBay Miniature Rescues on YouTube now!

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