Converting Sisters of Nurgle: eBay Miniature Rescues Tutorial

Converting Sisters of NurgleConverting Sisters of Nurgle miniatures is always a fun time to make the most fervent fall into the guise of Chaos with just a few extra bits!

eBay Miniature Rescues is a unique channel that shows you how to take beat-up, damaged minis and restore them to their fullest potential! It’s a relatively new channel on YouTube, and it’s super fun to watch what Casey can do with some once-hopeless miniatures. 

Be sure to check out all his stuff here! This week, he uses his old miniatures and bits to convert some amazing-looking Sisters! 

Converting Sisters of Nurgle: eBay Miniature Rescues Tutorial

Converting Sisters of Nurgle 2So, why Nurgle Sisters? Well, there aren’t many minis out like this, and he has a bunch of extra Nurgle and Death Guard models, meaning plenty of bits to convert. Also, the new plastic Sister kits are easier than ever to convert!

Lastly, he’s going to AdeptiCon and wanted some small squads to play games with, and these will be perfect.

The Conversions

Converting Sisters of Nurgle 3He loves getting old minis off of eBay, mainly just to have bits to convert up new minis. He has a few Kromlech heads, some Plague Bearer bits, some Spawn bits, and a little bit from AoS. He basically just starts clipping and gluing until he has the minis looking the way he wants!

Converting Sisters of Nurgle 4Next, he had to use Greenstuff to make tons of tentacles and cover up any odd parts left from the conversions. He uses the Roll Maker from Green Stuff World and starts rolling out and making a bunch of tentacles. He then puts them on the minis, where it looks the grossest and coolest.

Painting the Minis

Converting Sisters of Nurgle 5He starts by priming them black and uses the Army Painter airbrush paints for all these! They have a nice triad of green colors, so he begins by spraying them from the top down. Starting with the darkest color (covering most of the mini), then slowly moving to the lighter colors covering less and less with each color.

Converting Sisters of Nurgle 6Next, he blocks all the base colors with silver and some gray and then hits the cloth with purple. He then washes the guns and silver with a black wash. He goes with a pink flesh tone for all the flesh moving to a gray skin tone.

Then, to finish it off, he edge highlights all the armor.

Finished Minis

Converting Sisters of Nurgle 7There you have it, some awesome-looking sisters of Nurgle! Be sure to watch the whole video below for all the details.

Follow eBay Miniature Rescues on YouTube now!