Converting Your Own New Plastic Khorne Berzerkers for 2019

By Wesley Floyd | March 13th, 2019 | Categories: Conversions, Hobby Hacks, Warhammer 40k News


Are you a diehard World Eaters fan, but think the Berzerker kits could use a reboot? Check out this kitbashing guide to get those brutes looking custom made!

Crazy Dave from No Turtles Allowed here. Back at the release of the 6th Edition Chaos Codex, I was jazzed up to redo my World Eaters army.

I first became a convert to Chaos back in 3rd edition, with the original Chaos Codex release and before any Chapter Approved articles or any FAQ’s. Like most teenage boys, Chaos had the angst and look that proved irresistible.

Back then, we had the awesome plastic Khorne Berzerker set. That set was the Bee’s Knees back in early 3rd. Over a decade ago, my army was made entirely of those models.

Sadly, GW has done nothing to improve or resculpt them since. Sure, we have the Forge World Conversion Kit, but for a gamer like myself, I do not like using conversion kits that are readily available to everyone. Therefore, I set about to make my Khorne Berzerkers out of the new Dark Vengeance Chosen models, along with various other bits.

The project here can be done either pretty cheap or fairly expensive…depending on what bits you decide to use. If you choose to use the heads and arms from the current Berzerker models, you can keep the cost of the conversions very cheap.

Making Your Own Custom Khorne Berzerkers


  •  The First thing needed is a set of the Dark Vengeance Chosen Models.
skull crusher heads
  • Next, the heads from the Skullcrusher kits in AoS. keep in mind, you’ll just need the heads. Don’t go buying the whole box and throwing away 90% of the sprue!
chain axes
  • Some Forgeworld Chain Axes, but really chain axe will do. the price did go up on Forge World stuff if you’re here in the States. You may want to shop around and check out some cheaper bits as well.
  • A large assortment of extra close combat arms

Throwing the Model Together

world-eater-khorne-berserker Warhammer 40k is Better Game To Play Now

Now that all the bits have been collected, its time to start on the first model. For this, I chose the Power Axe Chosen model. The one with the bone armor.
Here is a picture of the assorted pieces I used for this Berzerker. In this picture, I have already removed the head from the power axe. I have also clipped away the top part of the helmet from the bolt pistol arm.
I took a large drill bit and drilled out the neck area for the helmet. The Dark Vengeance models are made from a harder plastic than normal GW plastics, so be careful.
 For the Chain Axe, I attached the head of the FW one to the shaft of the Power Axe. Make sure you pin these together as the resin is very fragile.
Then, you slap the arms and helmet on and let everything dry! Give some extra time for the custom axe. Resin takes a lot longer to really stick than plastic on plastic.

And it’s as simple as that! Once you get the rhythm and handiwork down, you’ll be able to pump these guys out in no time. Sure, it takes a bit more effort to make these guys, but you’ll be turning heads on the tabletop with your all-custom Berzerker army.

Have you converted your own Berzerkers before? What kits did you use? Do you play Worldeaters in 8th edition now? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.