Cosmos, by Eagle Ordinary: Bonus Feature from Adepticon!

CosmosA bonus featuring one of our Adepticon comics! This one has been floating around for a little while, but we thought we’d gather it up and share it with you.

Cosmos, the hottest Eldar mag in the galaxy, at your fingertips to keep you updated on the best gossip, fashion and celebrity tidbits from every Craftworld, and beyond!

We wanted to stick to the theme of “unbearably hipster.”

I love the Iyanden family selfie, personally. Gotta keep it Grimdark.

Maybe one day, we can make peace with the face eating bugs*

Any JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure fans out there? Our guest illustrator took a lot of inspiration for some of the poses on this page from the manga/anime.

Thanks, PETA!

Zoolander reference included at the request of Greg Sparks, Adepticon Organizer and all around awesome dude.

Thanks for checking out our bonus content, Ordinaries! If you want to download all the pages, it’s available as a PDF on our website: Eagle Ordinary Downloads

Keep up with us on our Facebook page! Eagle Ordinary Facebook Page

We’ll have more bonuses coming soon, Ordinaries!

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