Cowboy Bebop Fashion Sense! GW Rumor Engine Revealed

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Another rumor engine is here once again showcasing someone’s magnificent studded cowboy boot. Let’s break this big ol’ boot down!

Warhammer Community revealed another rumor engine bit like clockwork. And while it’s unmistakable that we’re looking at a boot, we’re not sure if GW might have doctored the photo to hide some other details in the white backdrop. See for yourself.

Put On My Butt Kickin’ Boot! New Gw Rumor Engine

rumor engine 7-30-19

Right away, you can tell that we’re looking at some kind of boot. But this isn’t just any boot. This boot looks to be made of leather and tipped with e point that will make you think twice about crossing whoever is wearing it. But beyond all that, the first thing that comes to mind in terms of factions is Dark Elves/Dark Eldar.

Taking a shot in the dark, the Archon is a Dark Eldar model that could use a rework and we could totally see this mini rocking a pair of boots like these if he did get a new model. But really, it’s a toss-up for which game this bit could be introduced to. It turns out GW likes to put a lot of leather in their minis. Regardless of it being Aos/40k or even Dark Elves/Dark Eldar, whoever wears these boots has some serious fashion sense.

Which, historically speaking, Orks, Daemons, Grots, Seraphon, etc. do not.

So with that being said, what’s your guess as to who is wearing this boot? Does it remind you of some kind of Aelven faction? Do you think it’s for AoS or 40k? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!