Crusader Miniatures BOGO 50% Off for a Limited Time!

Crusader FeatureDon’t miss this Crusader Miniatures BOGO 50% Off! Get the set of 3DArtGuy Crusaders Miniatures for 50% OFF buying both minis seperately!

It is a great time to own a 3D printer in the hobby. If you love grimdark crusaders, but want dynamic alternatives to the ones on the market for a price that is nice, don’t miss out on this limited-time sale!

Just keep in mind this is only for a short time, so don’t miss out and end up paying more!

Buy One Get One 50% OFF 3DArtGuy for a Limited Time!

Just in time for the new year, normally $60 for the pair, now just $45 for both for a limited time!

Crusader Miniature:


  • This model is an 8 piece multi-part kit, including the “dead Warmaster” custom scenic base topper pictured, and you can use it to add to any size base (although we recommend a 40mm- not included).
  • His arms are separate at the shoulders, as well as his head for maximum hobbying.

The Crusader is a warrior of incomparable zeal and fury, hunting down heretics and making them regret all their life choices.

Archangel Miniature: 


  • This is the “winged” version that is almost 2-1/2″ tall (about the same size as the GW Ephrael Stern model on base).
  • This model is a 13 piece multi-part kit, including the “fire” custom scenic base topper pictured that supports her feet, and you can use it to add to any size base (although we recommend a 32mm- not included).
  • The wings do not have to be attached to her pack, they slot in securely with the normal cleanup.

The Archangel is the wrath of her deity made manifest. She flies onto the battlefield, bringing death and fire to her enemies.

We have printed a bunch of these now and they are all looking super crisp. both are about 80 ml of resin and takes roughly 1 Anycubic Photon sized printing plates about 8 total hours to produce.

You can get the printable .STL files from 3DArtGuy here. or support him on Patreon for monthly releases

crusaders 1 600 x 600 - Copy

Order Your Crusader Miniatures Set Here

Sales & marketing contracted through Spikey Bits and fulfilled by Slicer LLC. The owner of this site has a financial interest in the sale of these miniatures.