Custodes 2.0 Codex? Probably Not…(Here’s Why)

adeptus custodes new 8th edition warhammer 40k wal horRecently an Adeptus Custodes 2.0 codex was rumored, and the internet is already jumping to conclusions. It’s probably nothing new and here’s why.

A shipping document containing what looks to be a few new releases headed this way from GW has been making rounds on the web. There is also a listing of a Custodes Codex #2 in the same roster.

Chapter Master Valrak, looks to have jumped to the conclusion that an unforeseen Custodes 2.0 rules wave is about to hit. Now sure, because it’s listed along with all the new products, we can see how it might seem that there are new rules content for our golden boys.

Sorry to burst your bubbles Custodes players, but we’d rather be honest and realistic than getting everyone’s hopes up.

Custodes 2.0 Codex? Probably Not…(Here’s Why)

Adeptus Custodes Wal HorChapter Master Valrak pointed out that a listing of Custodes Codex #2 was in the same shipment as what looks to be new GW content. He goes on to breakdown how Custodes look to be the third codex to get a “2.0” status, which we saw with Chaos Marines and Space Marines alike.

However, there are some major conflicts with assuming Custodes will get a new overhaul.

Conflict #1

custodes tribune


iron hands codex shippingLooking at the initial release of the Iron Hands supplement…The one with all the new rules and a new character. That shipping roster noted nearly 10,000 books to ship to GW stores. It makes sense because the rules were hot. It was a faction that hasn’t been covered in years. etc.

custodes shippingHowever, if the Custodes were about to get a new rules overhaul, why would they only print 1530 copies to ship across to GW stores? With one of the more popular factions in the competitive meta getting a “potential” rules overhaul, you’d think GW would print enough books so that stores could have more than one…MAYBE two copies on their shelf.

Conflict #2

imperial guardNow, the “#2” on the printing might seem like it’ll be a “2.0 codex”. But there’s something we’ve also noticed in the past shipping records:imperial guard shipping

In the same case, the Imperial Guard has been noted to have a #3 on their last shipping update. And the last time we checked, we never even saw an Astra Militarum 2.0 codex. You might be wondering, however, why GW printed nearly 10,000 copies for the Guard as well. And that’s probably due to the fact that for the longest time if anyone was playing Imperium, they probably had a Battalion of Guard (the loyal thirty-two).

When you take into account that the faction was widely used for a CP battery, then a 8,000-copy reprint run seems totally reasonable.

In this case, it makes sense that GW would have to reprint things as they start to run out of stock. 

Conflict #3

custodes art


custodes skuIf you dig slightly deeper into the information that is out there on the shipping document, you’ll find that the number highlighted above is associated with the “new” Custodes codex. But  a 5-second search on google reveals that it matches up exactly with the current Custodes codex on the shelf already:

custodes sku 2Overall, we get that people make mistakes. Everyone is human. But in an effort to not cause an uproar in the Custodes fanbase, we want to nip this one in the bud (cause we play them too).

As for the next official 2.0 codex, which faction would you like to see updated? Isn’t it about time for Necrons to get a rework?

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