Custodes Fit For a Parade: Warzone Atlanta Army Showcase

custodes for parade walCustodes paired up with a few other Imperial forces for a jaw-dropping display spotted at the Warzone Atlanta. Get a closer look at this force!

Warzone Atlanta brought some amazing armies under one roof to roll some dice. Taking things to a more elite aspect of 40k, these Imperial forces linked arms to stomp out heretics.

warzone atlantaThis army comes to us from Joe Behrend and Zane Turbyfill.

Custodes Fit For a Parade: Warzone Atlanta Army Showcase

custodes for parade 1Jumping into this combined-arms force, the Custodes met with Grey Knights and linked their cause in a field surrounded by old monuments of warriors.

custodes for parade 2From remembrances to Custodes, Sisters, and more, this opulent palace sitting in a grassy field was a perfect spot to have two masterpiece armies link up.

custodes for parade 3With statues capturing Imperial Legends from 10,000 years prior, these are a really unique side of display board spice. (You really don’t see a lot of models painted as statues and permanently enshrined on boards).

custodes for parade 4Grey Knights and Custodes are a real one-two punch combo to go against on the table. From nearly-unkillable Custodes to the psychic backing of the Grey Knights, forces like this can really take a few lists by surprise. However, they also called in some reinforcements with the Assassinorum. Bringing an Eversor, they let him run through light-armored Infantry units.

custodes for parade 5Bringing in one of the coolest Draigo models we’ve ever seen, his body uses Voldus as the base. While Draigo’s Wargear hasn’t changed, he looks way more heroic this way.

custodes for parade 6And finally, if you’re not a fan of the classic Dreadknight model, you’d be happy to know that Custodes Contemptors make fantastic alternatives that look incredible. Just check out each highlight on every single sharp edge of the gold trim!

With Grey Knights and Custodes fighting back-to-back, which one would you personally side with? Do you always run your Custodes with a little help from the Grey Knights? Does your display board have any statues?  

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