Custodes Forge Wold Caladius Grav-Tank UNBOXED!

Custodes Caladius Grav-tank Rules PDF


Come see an unboxing for the newest skimmer for games of Horus Heresy (and perhaps 40k soon as well): the Caladius Grav Tank!

30k guru Garro is on the floor at the Warhammer 40k open day, sharing the event with everyone:


Checkout the unboxing of the new Custodes Caladius Grav-Tank and it’s rules as well:

Caladius grav-tank unboxing and instructions

Caladius grav-tank unboxing and instructions

20 Different Part types total.

Caladius grav-tank unboxing and instructions

Caladius grav-tank unboxing and instructions

Assembles in 9 steps, not too bad! With the underslug weapon being move-able!

Caladius grav-tank unboxing and instructions

Interesting new “slotta peg” flying stem and base for this one. I wonder if this is going to be a new thing for Forge World skimmers.

Caladius grav-tank unboxing and instructions

Small Parts Bag

And the Rules for the Caladius:

Custodes Caladius Grav-tank Rules PDF


Strength 7 rending is no joke, but it will take more than that to crack armor 14 consistently though. I like these guys, but in a more anti-heavy infantry / light armor busting role. Not sure if the Custodes will have an issue breaking armor from range at this point, maybe they’ll just have to do it in hand to hand somehow!


Talons of the Emperor seem to be a thing now, look for more Custodes in the upcoming Book VII: Inferno for the Horus Heresy soon.

Don’t miss one second of this weekend’s 40k Open coverage below:


Warhammer 40k Open