Custom Ork Nob Bikers- Pimp Your Rides

Here’s another look at my custom Ork Nob Biker squad, and their pimped bases.

This is summary of my original three blog posts back in April ’09. Isn’t it funny how what was once old is now new again?

With the release of sixth Nob Bikers are all the rage again!

The best thing I think you can do to really show off converted and painted models, is to put them on bases that will show off their detail , and accent the theme of you army. 

Remember this was the kit that introduced the new “pill” style bike base, so having custom bases for those was pretty much “cutting edge” back then!

Checkout the ladz below, before custom basing.

I figured a base with a bunch of battlefield debris with a rocky desert-y look was the way to go for these lads. So, I painted them up in a desert scheme to match the rest of my Ork horde (check it out they fill a 4′ x6′ table).

First I basecoated them with Scorched Brown, then drybrushed over that with Kommando Khaki, followed by Bubonic Brown. The metals were picked out with P3’s Pig Iron and washed with Devlin Mud.

Then I used wood glue to affix GF9’s “Straw Grass” flock to them. I used the wood glue as opposed to super glue because I think the grass just looks “fuller” when it dries.

So now its time to mount my models on their new scenic bases. Of course I’d have to pin each of them down to their base, which is fine because I know they will be sturdy.

I won’t have to worry about them falling off the base either (unless I drop them- UGH!)

Here’s the Nob Bikers mounted on their new bases.  Since they now made the bits for Big Choppas (Nobz Box)  I splashed a few of those around the squad.

Who can’t resist four STR 7 hits on the charge per model?

I converted a Waaagh Banner from a Black Orc arm and an Orc Warboss Standard from Warhammer Fantasy. 

I had to magnetize the arm at the shoulder to actually store it, as the whole model wouldn’t even fit in a 4″ foam tray!

But this made it big enuff so the ladz could see where the ‘boss was and follow him into the fray.

Then I sketched the outline of the banner in pencil as a guideline for the freehand paint job.

Next I went over it with black, and highlighted that with three grays; Adeptus Battlegrey, Codex Grey, Ghostly Grey and Codex Grey 50/50 Mix.

When I was done I just used the eraser to get rid of any unwanted pencil marks that were left behind!

Of course I still have some Power Claw Nobz, plus the wonder twins: Warboss Snorg and Painboy Steve. Check out the Warboss on his new base of doom! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!

Note the Attack Squig shamelessly stolen from the Fanatics Box. I also converted a flame on the Kombi-Skortcha from an Ork Boy Topknot bit. I think in the near future I’ll go back and add a small banner pole to him just so he’s taller that the rest of the ladz.

Last but not least is Painboy Steve. I did a lot of customizing with this model, and I think he turned out pretty good.

First he had to have a masked head, and that weird doctor head light saucer thing. Next he needed some Dok’s tools and and a bone saw for operating. Then I converted him a Painboy gun from a slugga, bosspole, and burna.

I also painted a “bone cross” on his bike cowl so everyone knows he’s the Dok!

What do you think? Use the standard base for the model, or buy something that looks good? -MBG

If you like these ork bikers, check out my other converted Ork army- Looted Ork Mech Guard.