Daemon Primarch Angron: World Eaters 40k Unboxing & Build

Angron unboxingDon’t miss our unboxing and build for the new plastic 40k Daemon Primarch Angron for the World Eaters as we show you how to build yours!

Rob is back unboxing the newest release for Warhammer 40k. He’ll see what it takes to get it ready for the tabletop, show you the model’s size (compared to the other Primarchs), and tell you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building it!

We will show you everything, including the sprues, bits, and of course, the size. That way, you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.

Daemon Primarch Angron: World Eaters 40k Unboxing & Build

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games Frontline Gaming 

Angron unboxing 2This model has been a long time coming, so it’s nice to see it finally! At release, the kit runs for $160 retail, which is a little crazy for the two sprues, but the same for the other Daemon Primarchs and most of the Greater Daemons as well.

Build Instructions For Angron

Angron unboxing 3He has a lot of hollow areas, which is generally good for magnetization. The groin plate could be very hard to put in if you forget to do it in the early steps, so just something to be aware of.

Angron unboxing 4The wings come with a decent number of pinion bits at the end so that could get a little tricky. From the looks of it, the wings would be very hard to magnetize because of how they connect to the model itself.

So, probably magnetizing the base of the model is the best way to go. We’ll take a look at that below.

Angron unboxing 5There are a lot of little hoses and bits all over, so just be careful when building, as they don’t really give you the back view in the instructions.

Also, the rocks only cover a small portion of the base, so you probably want to use some of the Liquitex Resin Sand to cover the bare base up, so it doesn’t look like just two little patches of random rock.

From this, you could magnetize his feet to the base. However, for storage, it probably would not help as his wingspan is much larger. It’s probably better to magnetize the base for travel in a large plastic container or perhaps get some custom foam for him from Battlefoam etc…


Angron unboxing 6You get two sprues with the kit, which are pretty chunky and highly detailed. Just keep in mind, most of the bigger pieces are hollow.

Angron unboxing 7The wings have a lot of details on them that would let you do some nice washes and fades. There are a lot of tubes, so we’ll see how they all fit!

Built Model

Angron unboxing 8He is super detailed and looks great when all built up.

Angron unboxing 9In frame, he looks very big but is actually somewhat smaller than his brother Primarchs.

Angron unboxing 10There will be some hard areas to paint because of the posing. It would almost be harder not to assemble this whole due to how many tubes and things are interlocked.

At most, you could probably magnetize the legs for storage, but the real issue is the wings.

Angron unboxing 11He’s a hair over 6″ big, so you’ll need a decent-sized storage container for him.

Size Comparisons

Angron unboxing 12Obviously, he makes the Berzerkers small.

Angron unboxing 13He’s a little small when compared to Mortarion, and the wings just aren’t nearly as giant.

Angron unboxing 14Angron isn’t standing up straight, so if his wings were up, he’d probably be about the same size.

Angron unboxing 15Lastly, Ka’Bandha makes him look a little small but nothing too crazy. 

Final Thoughts

Angron unboxing 16This model is really cool and worth the wait, it’s not as big as Rob hoped for, but it’s so detailed it makes up for it. Just be careful about some of the small GOTCHAS in the kit.

Click Here to Get Your New Angron!

What do you think of this unboxing and build for the new Warhammer 40k World Eaters Daemon Primarch Angron? 

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