Dark Angel & Space Wolfs Primaris Shadowspear Rules SPOTTED

Azrael dark angels primaris rules shadowspear


Don’t miss the latest 40k Shadowspear rules for Dark Angels and Space Wolves that look to let these chapters play with all the new primaris miniatures too!

Spotted on Reddit by a poster who leaked Shadowspear goodies early on, there looks to be a sheet that clarifies what Chapters can use the Phobos characters. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the good news as we comb over it all.

Phobos Characters Come To Multiple Chapters

vanguard librarian

You’ve seen the new Primaris models and all their sweet new rules/powers. If you’re a Dark Angels or Space Wolves player, you were probably rolling your eyes at the models because your codex wouldn’t support them…or so you thought…

shadowspear characters

Looking at the photo from Reddit, it looks like there’s a sheet (we’re guessing somewhere in the pages of the mini codex, or the box, or from retaielrs) saying that Dark Angels and Space Wolves have access to these guys in their games. For example, the Dark Angels Librarian gains the Master keyword. a Space Wolves Librarian gains the Rune Priest keyword. We’re assuming they still have access to their special psychic powers too.

shadowspear librarian 1

Obscuration Psychic Powers inside Shadowspear

If this is true, think of all the psychic combos Spare Marine players can pull off. Mixing Dark Angel/Space Wolves powers with the new utility-style powers coming inside the Shadowspear box is going to be a real threat to the enemies of the Imperium.

Dark Angels players could cast Shrouding on one unit practically making them untargetable (as long as they aren’t closest). Then, to cause even more of a headache for the opponent, they could cast Aversion on the closer unit making them -1 to hit. The enemy will have to peel back the layers of the world’s most annoying onion to pick up units from the table.

Space Wolves also already have access to a power called Tempests Wrath, that makes a specific enemy -1 to hit as well.

With what looks to be good news for Space Wolves and Dark Angel players, have you finally decided to split a Shadowspear box? Why haven’t Deathwatch gotten the same treatment? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.