Dark Angels Psychic Powers Spotted

dark angels walpaper codexThe Dark Angels are almost here with their new codex, and today we’re taking a look at the Psychic powers for the Unforgiven.

BoLS shared the new Dark Angels Psychic powers with everyone yesterday.

Let’s take a look at them and see how they’re going to help your Dark Angels army on the tabletop.

dark angels mind worm

Mind Worm has a warp charge value of 6 and will allow you to select a visible enemy unit within 12″ of the psyker. That unit will suffer a mortal wound and can only attack in the Fight phase after all other eligible units have fought, regardless if the charged or have an ability that would allow them to fight first.

dark angels aversion

Aversion has a warp charge value of 6  and if manifested you’ll select a visible enemy unit within 24″ of the psyker. Your opponent must subtract 1 from all hit rolls made for that unit until your next Psychic phase.

dark angels rightous repugnance

Righteous Repugnance has a war charge value of 7. If manifested you’ll pick a friendly Dark Angels unit within 12″, unless your psyker is from a successor Chapter, instead you’ll pick a unit from the successor Chapter. You’ll be able to re-roll all failed hit and wound rolls made for that unit’s Melee weapons until the start of your next Psychic phase.

dark angels mind wipe

Mind Wipe has a warp charge value of 7 and if it’s manifested you’ll select a visible enemy unit within 18″ of the psyker. Each player will then roll a D6, adding their model’s Leadership value to their results. If your opponent beats you or ties nothing happens, but if you score higher the enemy model reduces its Leadership, BS, and WS by 1 for the rest of the battle.

dark angels engulfing fear

Engulfing Fear has a warp charge value of 6 and will make your opponent roll two dice and discard the lowest result when taking Morale tests for any unit within 6″ of the psyker. This effect will last until the start of your next Psychic phase. This is a great way to get more of your opponent’s models off the table.

dark angels trephination

Trephination has a warp charge value of 7. If manifested you’ll roll 2D6 adding 2 to the result if the psychic test was more than 10. Pick an enemy unit, and for every point that exceeds their Leadership they will suffer a mortal wound. If you use that on an infantry unit it could be devastating for your opponent.

The Dark Angels are definitely getting some nice options for psychic powers. But, the biggest question is going to be which one will you use the most. There’s a lot of possible damage output for your psyker, as well as powers that play into your opponents Leadership. With these new psychic powers you’ll have plenty of choices to help make your army even more powerful.

What do you think about the latest Dark Angels psychic powers? Which one do you plan on using for your army? Let us know in the comments below.

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