New Dark Angels WD Rules & Background SPOTTED

By Wesley Floyd | September 3rd, 2019 | Categories: Dark Angels, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Supreme Grand Master Azrael combat

New rules and background on the Dark Angels have been spotted in the Septemeber White Dwarf, but spoiler alert it’s not exactly what we thought it would be…

If you’re a fan of the Dark Angels you’ve probably been following along with some of the periodical rumors. One of the most popular ones was a rumor where Dark Angels were supposed to be in a Box Set with another Imperial faction that turned traitor.

It looks like that wasn’t exactly the case after all, at least thus far. Get caught up with the earlier rumors yourself and check out what’s just been spotted on miniwars.

Early Rumors: Dark Angels Vs. Traitor Imperial Box Set

Lion v Konrad

BoLS’ rumors said:

Lion El’Jonson or “The Lion” was mentioned coming in a faction starter Box Set as one of the playable sides. But (get ready to sit down Dark Angels fans) the other side may be an Imperium faction.

Keep in mind that Dark Angels have a long history with hunting down the traitorous Fallen, and while another faction like Blood Angels turning traitor sounds cool and exciting, this White Dwarf early look really tones it down.

Dark Angel Support in White Dwarf: Hunting The Fallen Missions

White Dwarf Dark Angels Stratagems

Showing a page of Dark Angels and Fallen Agent Stratagems, it’s not exactly what some hobbyists may have had in mind for Dark Angels support, but the missions look pretty cool.

With Stratagems like Slip Away in the game, they’re designed for fluffy matches and have other stratagems geared around the same power level.  Looking at some of their tricks, it almost makes you wish a few of these could be in Matched Play.

White Dwarf Dark Angel Deployment

Looking at the actual mission, it’s a manhunt for the Fallen Agent (AKA Hunt the Fallen). If you bring Cypher along and choose him as the Fallen Agent, he can be a real Headache. Beyond that, the attacker (Fallen player) for the mission always chooses who has the first turn.

White Dwarf Index Astartes Dark Angels


White Dwarf Index Astartes Dark Angels

New Updated Fluff

According to Miniwars, and translated from Spanish, it looks like there is more behind the scenes cloak and dagger agendas at play between the First Legion, and the Primaris.

These are the following points that supposedly update the background of the chapter:
  • 1. The Master of the 5th Balthasar Company [Dark Revenge basic box] dies and is replaced by Master Lazarus, who after being seriously injured became the first member of the Inner Circle to cross the Rubicon to become Primaris. 
  • 2. The Inner Circle decreed that the Apothecary should first treat seriously injured Marines and submit them to Primaris surgery to increase the number of these Marines they can trust.
  • 3. The Primaris Marines now serve within Deathwing and Ravenwing. The first gray shield to reach the Death Wing was Brother Apharan; The first to enter the Crow Wing was Brother Nerael.
  • 4.The Dark Angels hate having in La Roca Tecnosacerdotes necessary for Primaris surgery; Tecnomarines and Apjeros are trying to learn as much as possible to get rid of them as soon as possible. 
  • 5. They are still accused of continuing to operate as a Legion, but the victories of the chapter and their successors that protect them from any threat are such. 
  • 6. The refusal to use the genetic seed of the Dark Angels has disappeared; some say this is because Robute recognizes the purity and dedication of the Children of Lion, while others say that the High Lords of Terra or influential spheres of Mars plan to use it as a counterweight against the growing power of Gulliman.

As far as the rest of the pages go, it looks like it’s what you’d expect from a typical White Dwarf. There’s some added fluff, painting guides, army showcases, etc. But nothing groundbreaking like Matched Play rules for the faction.

With this snippet of the next White Dwarf under our belt, what do you think about the Dark Angels “support”? Do you have a friend that plays the Fallen?

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