Dark Imperium 8th Starter Sprue Pictures Revealed

8th edition versus horCome take a look at the latest reveal, the sprues for the new Dark Imperium starter set that were on display at Warhammer Fest over the weekend.

We’ve been seeing the models for the new starter over the past couple weeks, but now we’re getting a look at the sprues. These were on display at Warhammer Fest over the weekend and Garro was there snapping pictures of everything he could.Dark Imperium Sprues Dark Imperium Sprues Dark Imperium Sprues Dark Imperium Sprues

We also came across the sprue for the Tactica Imperialis Objective on Faeit 212.Objective Sprues

Leave it to Games Workshop to put all the work we have ahead of us on display. Checkout how all the faction models look to be on the same sprues more like the Prospero and Calth releases, and unlike the previous Dark Vengeance starter!

But did you notice there’s a couple pieces missing from some of the sprues. Could this just be models they assembled? Or is it something they don’t want us to see yet? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

This was an extremely busy weekend, and there was a lot of great information put out throughout Warhammer Fest.

We hope you enjoyed all the reveals and events as much as we did, thank you for making us your go to source for the latest updates.

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