Deadpool’s Tau Squashing Bugs: Adepticon Army Showcase

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Another insane army that was spotted at Adepticon was a Tau force that was painted in the theme of Deadpool! Check it out in all its glory!

Adepticon was home to incredible armies from all across the world. Here, we’ll be looking at a Tau army that was turning heads and hating on Tyranids!

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Army Showcase: Deadpool Tau Squashing Bugs

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The Tyranids decided it would be a good idea to assault the Tau’s most precious relic…Their vault of Deadpool memorabilia!

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Farsight is slicing and dicing bugs left and right. Check out the details on his base. Have you ever seen a cleaner cut?

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In a World War Z fashion, the Hormagaunts are piling on top of each other to get over the walls of the fortress.

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The Tau are being held together by the most fearless Ethereals. Their Pulse Carbines are all but overheating!tau con 5

The Tau even flew their banner high as they charge into battle! (Something that’s really rare for them if you didn’t know). The banner design actually looks completely free-handed.

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This Stormsurge ripped the tail off of a Swarm Lord like it was nothing! Meanwhile, more and more hordes of Tyranids keep coming.

This army was done up by none other than the Wobby Modelers. Fantastic job on the frozen fortress display as well as the paint job on every single model. It looks like a battle that’s been frozen in time. There’s so much going on and different points of the board, you can imagine the battle unfolding before your eyes!

Wobbly Modelers

Best 40k Xenos: Adepticon 2019

What do you think about this display board? Have you been inspired to make a custom board for your favorite army? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.