New 40k Deathwatch Rules Coming This Week!

Looks like hobbyists will get a special treat as the new Deathwatch 40k rules will be coming out this week in White Dwarf magazine!

This next White Dwarf that’s about to drop is going to be a big one. It might have been assumed that it wasn’t going to hit our doorsteps for a while, as GW closed down their warehouse indefinitely.

Here’s the latest on everything you need to know about GW’s monthly subscription magazine.

New 40k Deathwatch Rules Coming This Week: White Dwarf Latest

white dwarf 453White Dwarf 453 is the next magazine to drop in the sequence. But this isn’t just any typical White Dwarf release. This is looking to be one of the biggest magazines from GW yet at 160 pages.

According to Warhammer Community:

The release date is Saturday the 2nd of May – you’ll find it on shelves of any open stockists from this date, or soon after once they re-open.

The digital edition will be also available to download on the 2nd of May.

Many subscribers will still get their copies at the usual time – around the middle of April – though they will probably arrive nearer to the end of April in some places, so don’t worry too much if it doesn’t show up on time.

We’re not taking new subscriptions just now – we’ll let you know when that changes.

So despite GW stopping their shipments from the warehouse, it looks like the White Dwarf is going to be getting around all that. With that said, it’s only the case for pre-existing subscribers, they are not taking any new ones on at the moment.

What Are The Highlights Inside White Dwarf?

DeathwatchWhat’s probably the biggest appeal to the next White Dwarf is that it’s containing all the new rules for Deathwatch in Psychic Awakening. These guys are the first faction not to get a full hardback book release in the Psychic Awakening series so it’ll be interesting to see just how big their rules support is.

We do know from some earlier rules coverage that they’re getting generic Marine Stratagem/Chaplain support so far.

Harlequins WILL NOT Be In This Issue

deathwatch harlequins psychic awakeningDeathwatch and Harlequins are both getting their Psychic Awakening support inside White Dwarf. However, they’re not sharing this book. Issue 453 is only focused on Deathwatch. Meanwhile, Harlequins will be pulling up the rear with the rules in one of the issues after.

Two factions – the Deathwatch and the Harlequins – aren’t in the books, but remain forces to be reckoned with. As such, they’re getting new rules like everyone else, but in their case across two issues of White Dwarf. First up are the xenos-hunting Space Marines of the Deathwatch, coming your way in White Dwarf 453.

It’s exciting to see that even in the middle of a pandemic-forced lockdown, we’re going to be getting new rules added to the game. If you’re lucky enough to have your own table and enough models, you may even be able to test their power level before we can all meet up and play again.

So with all of this finally covered, what do you think the Deathwatch’s rules will look like? What’s something that the faction desperately needs?

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