Desert Scorpions, Rockets & Miniature of the Month

Desert Scorpions Missile Launcher TeamThe hobby maniacs at Victoria Miniatures are bringing some extra boom to your games with Desert Scorpions. Let’s take a look at their latest releases!

The Desert Scorpions are back in town! This time they’re bringing some heavier weapons with them. Who doesn’t love some good ole humies with big rockets? We sure do!

Victoria not only wants to hook you up with some dope minis for your game. They also slip you a free mini of your choice when you spend $50 or more. its a win, win!

Let’s see what’s new from these creative minds down under!

Missile Launcher Rockets x12: $3.99

MOTMLet the rockets fly! Paint the sky red with these awesome bits. It won’t take long before your opponent decides he has to take out those pesky missile squads. Whether that’s good or not… who knows?

This kit includes:

12x Missile Launcher Rockets.

Recommended for use with the Desert Scorpions Missile Launcher Team.

Sculpted by Jake Schneider.

Hand cast in high-quality resin.

Plus this month, there is a new miniature of the Month, the Desert Scorpion Missile Team! This isn’t all they have, oh no. They have tons of other cool stuff, go check them out here!

MOTMIf you don’t think that’s a deal, then what is? The hobby fanatics at Victoria Miniatures are always pumping out great stuff. If you need some more inspiration for guardsmen, check out some cool paint schemes here.

If you’re one of the few players left fielding Tallarn these models are a must! And, if you’ve been looking to start a Tallarn army, you can do so with models that aren’t ten plus years old…

If you need bits for your Guard army make sure you visit Victoria Miniatures and see what they have to offer your army and pick up your free mini today!

Missile Launcher Rockets x12: $3.99