DFG Leviathan Titan Manuals Preview

By Rob Baer | January 20th, 2013 | Categories: Product Review, Titan, Warhammer 40k News

Checkout these sweet detailed instructional diagrams (or schematics) of all the new Dream-Forge Games’ Kickstarter products.

Now that I’ve seen most of the product shots, I’m stoked to see how these things go together.  Is it just me or are these some of the best look instruction manuals in the business?

Still can NOT wait to get my hands on my shiney new Kickstarter Leviathan Titans for build and review! -MBG

(on and on a side note Spikey Bits is now on the list to carry these great products as soon as they are released for general sale!!!)

From Dream-Forge Game’s Blog

First wave release instructions peak

The first stage items will be landing in the US soon. While I work away on the stage three items, I thought I would post up the instruction inserts so you can begin your mental build 😉

Do to time limitations we did not get some of the inserts in the box before they made the sea voyage, the poor folks at WGF Utah will be folding and inserting these into the Stormtrooper sets.
