Dirty Tricks & Tips – New Adeptus Mechanicus

By Rob Baer | August 4th, 2015 | Categories: Product Review, Tactics, Videos, Warhammer 40k News

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The Admech is coming on strong in tournament play, but what do we really know about them? Checkout our dirty tips and tricks for playing with and against the new Mechanicus.

The compliation of our Adeptus Mechanicus Tactics videos is here, for you to bone up on the new wargear, formations, and relics for both book. Plus we talk a bunch on the new War Convocation formation that gives tons of FREE options for your toy robots!

If our video isn’t enough to satisfy your logic engines, here’s some great written articles for you to checkout as well on the new Space Marine codex.

We got you covered when it comes to new reviews and tactics features over on our YouTube channel. Get all the dirty Tips and Tactics from the new Cult Mechanicus & Skitarii books in one full length feature featuring our previous tactics reviews.


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