Discount Alert: Necromunda Ash Wastes Box 50% Off Now!

ash wastes cheapDon’t miss the insane value inside The Necromunda Ash Wastes box that is going for super cheap right now- check it out!

While the box had a ton of contents inside, at a price of $300, it seems like not as many people bought it as GW expected.

However, now, with the price at nearly 50% off, you get such insane value that if you’ve ever thought about picking it up, you really can’t pass this up. We’ll also check out Cadia Stands, which is selling for super cheap, too, if 40k is still more your game!

This is on Amazon, so we don’t know how long the price will stay like this or how many they have. So if you like the box, don’t wait, as it might be gone before too long.

Necromunda Ash Wastes Box Set Going Cheap: Nearly 50% Off!

Click here to it from Amazon!

Necromunda Ash Wastes cheap

We’ll check out the value below, but with the new rulebook with all the expansions since then, we’re not sure if the rulebook will be worth much. Of course, you can still use it to run your games- it just may not have the latest unit rules, etc in it.

Let’s check out the Necromunda Ash Wastes value.

  • Ash Waste Nomads $50
  • Dustback Helamite Riders $50
  • Orlock Outrider Quads $50
  • Orlock Gangers $50
  • Terrain $200 
  • Tactics Cards $20
  • Game Mat, Dice, Tokens, and Markers: Added Value (these are not available separately, and from the looks of it the mat is not the cardboard version that sells for $60)

Total MSRP (without rulebook): $420

Savings Versus $157.88 Price: $262.12


Necromunda Ash Wastes

At this price, you’re basically getting a squad of guys, all the accessories, and the terrain for totally free!

Click Here to Get Yours!

This is hard to pass up if you have any want for the minis or the terrain! Especially if you know someone who wants the other side of the box.

Cadia Stands Army Box Going For Stupid Cheap

Click here to get it from Amazon!

Cadia Stands Army Box cheap

It says that it’s only 10% off, but when this came out, it was actually $200, so at this price, it’s 50% off! Let’s look at the value this will save you (without the rules).

  • 20 Cadian Shock Troops $100 
  • Cadian Command Squad  $45 
  • Sentinel $45 
  • Two Field Ordnance Teams $55 

Total Miniatures MSRP: $245

Savings Versus Box Price: $145

Cadia Stands Astra Militarum Army SetAt this price, even without the codex and cards added in, this box saves you more than when it launched! Initially, the box only had $129 in value, so you can’t beat this! Basically, this is cheaper than buying just the 20 Cadians, so if you need any models inside, do not miss this deal.

Plus, if you don’t have the old book, it’s just a little added bonus for artwork and lore.

Click Here to Get Your Box Cheap!

Will you be picking either of these Ash Wastes or Cadia Stands Fboxes up for super cheap? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!


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