Die For The Emperor: Castle Brush Paints DKoK

DkoK CastlebrushIt’s DKoK time as Castle Brush cranked out some great looking Warhammer 40k Death Korps miniatures with crisp details and muted metals.

The artistic team at Castle Brush EU is pumping out some amazing looking projects for the worldwide hobby community. Take a look at one of their latest works of art.

Die For The Emperor: Castle Brush Paints DKoK

This commission allowed us to show off our skills on almost every level of quality we have in our offer – except the highest, Emperor quality.
Commission consists of:

  • 10 DKoK Grenadiers – painted on Knight (1) quality
  • 1 DKoK Quatermaster – painted on Champion (2) quality
  • 1 DKoK Death Rider Commissar – painted on Overlord (3) quality

DkoK Castlebrush


DkoK Castlebrush


DkoK Castlebrush


DkoK Castlebrush


DkoK Castlebrush



DkoK Castlebrush

The color scheme was different from standard Krieg greys – this time we were told to follow first WW German (or Prussian) uniform colors. More ornate scheme was prepared for Quatermaster, with rich red color for the fleece, yet displaying similar armaments like the Grenadiers. Commisar painted on Overlord quality was painted classically, with its mount’s color based on a real-life horse.
The level differences can also be shown in basing, with extra detail appearing as the level goes higher.

That is some quality work! If you are looking for a studio that can handle anything from dioramas to full-scale armies, make sure you check out the creative team at Castle Brush today!

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