DKoK Knight Kit: Death Squad Armor From Legio Models

Death Squad kit feature rThe new Death Squad Armor Kit from Legio Models will turn your Knight into a true shovel-loving machine in no time- check it out!

The hobby maniacs at Legio Models are always coming out with some amazing kits! We have been loving their releases lately and this one is no different. This time around, they are giving us another kit to upgrade our Knights for a certain favorite regiment of the Imperial Guard!

They’ve released a few sets for the bad guys of the galaxy, but this one would be perfect for the humans of the galaxy. These are on pre-order but are coming out before too long, so don’t get too worried.

Knights are already pretty cool minis, but when you add something like this on top, they become amazing! Let’s be honest, it’s so much easier to just slap these on instead of trying to do a conversion from scratch. Let’s take a closer look at the awesome kit!

Big Knight Death Squad Armour Kit: $110

Death Squad kit


Death Squad kit 2


Death Squad kit 3This looks amazing and we can’t wait to see some people paint these up when the pre-order hits. There are so many little details that just make this look so decadent and amazing.

Just note, this is on preorder, but it will be coming out before too long. If you love what Legio Models is up to, check out what else they have going on.

Death Squad kit 4You get a ton of stuff in this kit, here is all of it:

What’s in the box:

  • Knight mask
  • Shoulder pads / Pauldron (left and right)
  • Elbow armor plate x2
  • Codpiece armour
  • Greave x2
  • Shoulder gun turret x2
  • Launcher barrels x2
  • Carapace
  • upleg armour x2
  • chest armour plate
  • banner х3
  • death squad crew x2

Which model does this part fit?:
1) These accessory components are compatible with the Imperial Knight Titan Dominus / Castellen / Valiant miniature by Games Workshop.

That does it for this one! Just an amazing kit to take your Knights to the next level.

Click Here Get Your Knight Kit Now!