Remember hearing about Forge World’s Imperial Armor: Fires of Cyraxus? It was supposed to feature Tau, versus the Imperium!
We had heard rumors of a New Imperial Armor book that would drop last summer featuring Mechanicus, Space Marines, and Tau wayback at the 2016 Heresy Weekender.
Did Fires of Cyraxus go missing because of GW’s plans for 40k 8th Edition invalidating all of the codex books, as well as the Imperial Armor books from Forge World (but not the Horus Heresy ones)?
Remember when these pictures were spotted early last year?
Here Come the Tau:
So it looks like the new Imperial Armour book for 40k, with feature some sort of combined 30k Mechanicum with 40k Mechanicus, plus the Red Scorpions vs THE TAU! Since it has been well over a year since they teased it, should we look for Fires of Cyraxus first out the gate from Forge World for 8th Edition 40k in late 2017 now?
Checkout all the pictures from the event below: