Don’t Let the Boxes Pile Up – New Way To Hobby!

By Rob Baer | September 3rd, 2015 | Categories: Editorials, Warhammer 40k News


Checkout a fun and exciting way keep motivated to hobby, before all those boxes of unpainted minis stack up too high!

Hey hobbyists, this is James from the 1HourANight Facebook Group.

I want you to set your brush down and look at your shelf, you know, the one full of unpainted plastic minis. (Or, if you are extra shameful, maybe they are hidden in a box or some baggies somewhere).

throne of lies meme

Don’t try to pretend like they aren’t there, I know they are. Well, how about, instead of silently mouthing ‘I’m sorry’ to them every time you walk by, we get some paint on them.


The 1HourANight Facebook group is doing a ‘CAD in a Quarter’ challenge.

It’s simple, grab an HQ and 2 troops that you have already assembled but unpainted on the shelf. The point is to get that shameful grey plastic covered, it has no place in an upright and moral society. Take a picture of them all together, post it, and then paint them up by December 1st.

Bam, done. Guilt assuaged, cosmic forces aligned. 1HourANight is all about hobby support and keeping motivated.

It’s a positive group of gamers (from all miniature game systems) just looking to be witnessed so they can claim their place in Valhalla.

See you on Facebook.

1HourANight Facebook group