Doomrider Reimagined: The New Master of Debauchery on Hellbike!

Master of Debauchery on HellbikeThe new Master of Debauchery on Hellbike from Artel W makes for one of the coolest Doomrider Emperor’s Children alternatives out there!

The hobby maniacs at Artel W are not stopping on their quest to make some of the coolest minis out there! We saw these when they previewed them, but now you can actually score the minis.

While all of their minis are awesome, their chaos stuff looks amazing and will add so much juice to your army! Let’s jump into the new minis. 

Master of Debauchery on Hellbike: $42.99

Masters of Debauchery 4Who doesn’t want to ride around the battlefield on a giant bike smashing the enemies to bits?

When he rides at full speed you can hear the roar of inexorable fate with every cell in your body, and every bit of your soul is seized with fear. No one can predict where and when he will show up next time, but everyone knows what he will do. He sold his soul to the Dark Gods of Abyss to enjoy breathtaking speed and bloody massacre forever, and he’ll never stop sowing death and mayhem… Still, once in a while he can leave the saddle of his hellbike – just to free both hands for the most lethal weapons!

Masters of Debauchery 5Here are the specs on this one:

  • Miniature for wargames, role-playing tabletops and collecting.
  • Sculpted by Stepan Kotlyarov
  • Scale: 28mm
  • Size: 62 mm total
  • The kit contains 48 parts, including options (2 front cowls, 2 heads and 2 torsos for the passenger)
  • Material: high quality resin.
  • Miniature is unpainted, unassembled, 75x40mm base included

If you love what Artel W is up to, check out everything else they have been releasing! That does it for this one; now stop starting and get some minis!

Click Here to Get Your New Artel W Miniatures!