Drop it Like It’s Hot- GW Killing Special Games

Well there has been a ton of speculation as of late about the recent/ ongoing events at GW, and this one just adds more fuel to the fire.

The continued tightening of their belt, enforcing their IP more “aggressively” (but strangely leaving all the eBay counterfeiters and trinket sellers alone), and ramping up their release schedule to drive stock prices all seem to point to one thing; Games Workshop may be for sale.

As Larry at BoLS pointed out back in FEB/MARCH someone bought up enough stock (8.1% to be exact) to secure a seat of the board of directors at GW. Which is no small feat to achieve either, given that their stock is controlled mostly by 3-4 different investment groups and is only traded on the London Exchange.

So whatever is happening, we’ll know soon enough I suppose. It’s just unfortunately that so many other good things are getting caught in the cross fire, while eBay is rife with GW counterfeiters and exploiters galore. -MBG

From Apoclaypse 40k

GW Drops Specialist Games, Collector Ranges

Posted by Loken at 5/03/2013 08:03:00 AM
Games Workshop is getting rid of all non-core games. GW is cutting all metal production as they switch over to fine cast, and have let it be known that once stocks of Epic, BFG, Necromunda, Warmaster, Mordheim and Inquisitor run out, then they are gone for good. Multiple people have confirmed this with GW’s Customer Service and warehouse staff.

Collectors Range

It has also been confirmed that the Fantasy and 40k Collectors ranges have been discontinued and once stock runs out they will no longer be available.  Games Workshop has no plans to produce them again. Multiple customer service reps and the GW warehouse confirm this news.  This means all of the metal guard miniatures as well as the Dogs of War models for fantasy are done for.

Forge World 

Forge World is stopping production of all new specialist games miniatures.  BFG, EPIC, and Aeronautica Imperialis ranges are now no longer in production and once the remaining stocks sell, that is it!  Many items are no longer in stock.

If you ask me, this all points to GW being on the block for a sale.  The departure of CEO Mark Wells, the constant cost cutting and price raises, this all speaks to one thing…GW is setting itself up for a sale.
