Eager To Get The Chance: Ork Killa Kan LORE

By Tim Roberts | June 14th, 2020 | Categories: Orks, Warhammer 40k Lore, Warhammer 40k News

Lore killa kanToday’s Lore is all about the lowly Grot that turned into a giant metallic monstrosity and was set loose upon their enemies. Let’s learn more about the Killa Kan!

The grot has a miserable life in general. He spends his days serving the bigger guys and getting kicked around. So when one gets the chance to become a Killa Kan they dive at the chance.

Let’s learn more about the Killa Kan!

Via: Lexicanum


A Killa Kan consists of a large metal can mounted on two piston powered legs is the standard design. But, as with anything Ork, there’s a large degree of variation. They are most often armed with a single heavy weapon welded onto one shoulder and a saw or pincer close combat weapon on the other.

Unlike the Deff Dread, Kans are piloted by a hardwired Gretchin, not an Ork. The process of interning a Grot into a Killa Kan is not unlike that which is used to create a Space Marine Dreadnought, but the process is far messier and more primitive. However unlike most Orks, Grots are all too eager to get the chance to pilot these smaller machines. After implantation they usually celebrate their new life by stomping whoever previously bullied them into a fine paste.

The new level of power a Killa Kan gives a Gretchin often sees the creatures’ aggression increase massively.

killa kan

Despite the numerous drawbacks including the incredible pain, tbloodlust, being trapped in a tiny, clattering can for the rest of one’s natural life— the sheer power and glory promised by becoming a Killa Kan pilot drives many a Gretchin mad with desire.

Dreams of bloody revenge and lording their new-found power over their former tormentors are the most common motivators and there is never a shortage of volunteers to become Killa Kan pilots. Indeed, competition between Grots for the honour of becoming a Killa Kan pilot is so fierce and bloody that many Grot mobs and Mek workshops have instituted a simple lottery system by which they choose candidates for implantation.

killa kan

Once chosen and implanted into their new bodies, many Killa Kan pilots go on murderous killing sprees upon activation. Gibbering and howling, they flail about, dishing out well-deserved justice to former bullies and oppressors with their whirling saws, slashing power klaws, and chattering heavy guns. Most

Orks find these bloody spectacles hilarious, at least those who are not on the receiving end of the new Kan’s fury. A raucous and violent festival atmosphere often accompanies the brutalities that follow the creation of a new batch of Killa Kans.

Find Out More About The Killa Kan!