Editorial- The Counts as Debate Rages on..

By Rob Baer | October 10th, 2011 | Categories: Blood Angels, Editorials, Iron Hands, Warhammer 40k News

So a few weeks ago I posted about how I let my buddy Master Shake borrow my Iron Hands, counts as Blood Angels, for ‘Ard Boyz round two.

I haven’t fully showcased them on here yet, but basically they’re a converted marine army with tons of bionics. The army itself is pulled together with Adepticus Mechanicus bits, and painted in reds to symbolize their devotion to the Machine God.

Fair enough I thought, until you throw ‘Ard Boyz into the mix.  Apparently at the event when Shake’s opponent showed up to the table, he immediately left. Master Shake thought nothing of it, until he returned with a judge, pointing with an outstretched arm proclaiming “That model!!!”

Huh, what just happened you ask? Well his opponent decided to try to get my Mephiston picked up off the table, because he wasn’t the actual Mephiston model.

Yup, apparently my model didn’t have wings, or a force weapon, or anything that resembled a Librarian, and “He’s not even a Games Workshop model!” (GASP).

Well funny thing is the Mephiston model itself doesn’t even have wings, and my model actually is WYSIWIG.  Lets take a look shall we?

First off this model is obviously in power armor. It also has a plasma pistol just like Mephiston, and those Doctor Octopus arms look like they make good force weapons? Plus he has Pychic hood to boot! The real Mephiston doesn’t even have one of those, lol.

He is also in fact a GW model. This bad boy is a sweet Spyre Patriarch from Necromunda!

After Shake explained all that to the judge, and the fact he even fits the theme of the army, the judge shrugged and agreed that it works for Mephiston.

The best part to this whole story is that apparently I played this same guy round one, and he said nothing about the model, and just raved about how “cool my army was”.  Funny what people do when a free army is on the line, eh?

So what do you think, is my Mephiston “counts as” model acceptable-MBG