Eldar Swoop In- New Rumors Dump

By Rob Baer | May 29th, 2013 | Categories: Eldar, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Well it looks like the rumors are flying faster than we can read them. Eldar are within days of arrival so we’re at the pinnacle of rumor mongering it seems.

However I don’t think it a bad thing per se.  I’m down to figure our anything early I guess, so I can so even I know what I want to buy from the new release!

Fortunately I have like 100 Dire Avengers painted up already on a whim, but I feel bad for anyone out there that missed out over the last seven years. They doubled in price for this release, so that either means they are super good, OR super bad now, lol.

Either way I just want an excuse to push some models around the table with current rules! -MBG

Rumors form BoLS and Apocalypse 40k respectively.

Here’s the latest details on the not so humble Guardians, and some signature weapons from Codex Eldar.  The Guardians are looking meaner than they have in many, many editions!

First up here’s the Eldar Guardians:

Guardians (TROOPS) 10 Guardians @ 9 points apiece

WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I5 A1 Ld8 Sv5+ 
Support Plattform : WS- BS- S- T5 W1 I- A -Ld- Sv3+

Special Rules

Old Nemesis, BattleFocus, Fleet.
Mesh armor, Shuriken catapult , Plasma grenades
May take up to 10 additional Guardians
For each 10 in the unit one can get one of the following weapon platforms:
-shuriken cannon
-scatter laser
-eldar missile launcher with plasma and starstrike rockets
May take a Wave Serpent as Dedicated transport

Storm Guardians (TROOPS) 10 Storm Guardians @ 9 points apiece

WS4 BS4 S3 T3 W1 I5 A1 Ld8 Sv5+

Special Rules

Old Nemesis, Battlefocus, Fleet.
Mesh armor, Shuriken pistol, Chainsword , Plasma grenades
May take up to 10 additional Guardians
Up to 2 may exchange their Shuriken pistol and Chainsword for one of the following weapons:
-fusion gun
Up to 2 may exchange their Chainsword for a:
May take a Wave Serpent as Dedicated transport 
And the signature Eldar weapons at long last:
Shuriken Weapons

Shuriken pistol : 12″ S4 AP5 pistol, Bladestorm
Shuriken catalpult : 12″ S4 AP5 assault 2 Bladestorm
Avenger catapult : 18″ S4 AP5 assault 2 Bladestorm
Shuriken cannon : 24″ S6 AP5 assault 3 Bladestorm
Screamer cannon : 24″ S6 AP5 assault 3 pinning, Bladestorm

Bladestorm : To-wound rolls of “6” automatically wound at AP2

Wow, I don’t think guardians have EVER been BS4/WS4/I5.  Basically you are paying an extra 1 point compared to now, for Aspect Warrior statlines, minus the armor and leadership + plus a boatload of grenades and special rules.

The Shuriken weapons look like they did indeed get their version of rending (so watch out termys), while keeping their painfully short range.  It is going to take full use of that Battlefocus ability to shoot-run, or run-shoot to get the most out of this army.  The players who maneuver best are going to be able to pull off miracles and drive their opponents nuts.  The Eldar army does not look like its made to win an attritional game at all.

Join in the full conversation here.  Its juicy about page 200, so start here and keep going…

Have at it. Do Guardians have what it takes now?

Here is the Eldar Wargear!

Eldar rocketlauncher:
plasma rocket: 48″ s 4 ap 4 heavy 1 small blast, pinning
anti-air rocket : 48″ s 7 ap 4 heavy 1 skyfire
starstrike rocket: 48″ s 8 ap 3 heavy 1, pinning

fusion pistol : 6″ s 8 ap 1 melta, pistol
fusionbeam: 12″ s 8 ap 1 melta, assault 1
firepike : 18″ s 8 ap 1 melta, assault 1

haywire lance(laser lance): shooting: 6″ s 6 ap 3 assault 1 lance
in close combat : s +3 ap 3 assault, impact, lance
impact: in the phases the user didnt assault with this weapon the weapon counts as a normal close combat weapon instead.

infrasound cannon (vibrocannon): 48″ s 7 ap 4 heavy 1 infrasound, pinning
infrasound: if a unit has been a target of one or more infrasound weapons. each following infrasound weapon increases its strength by 1 and ds by -1 (so second hit s 8 ap 3 etc.)

reaper misslelauncher: starstrike rocket: 47″ s 8 ap 3 heavy 1 pinning
starswarm rocket: 48″ s 5 ap 3 heavy 2

laserblaster: 24″ s3 ap 5 assault 3
sunbeamer: 24″ s 3 ap 3 assault 3, blinding
falcon claw: 24″ s 5 ap 5 asssault 3

haywire laser (Scatter Laser): 36″ s 6 ap 6 heavy 4, lasertargetin
gpulsar: 48″ s 8 ap 2 heavy 2
laser lance (bright lance) 36″ s 8 ap 2 heavy 1 lance
laser targeting: if a unit/model fires a weapon with laser targeting in addition to other weapons you roll the to hit for the laser targeting weapon first. each following weapon of that unit/model count as twin linked
mono-blaster (spinneret rifle) : 18″ s 6 ap 1 rapid fire, monofilament, pinning
mono- catapult (Deathspinner) : 12″ s 6 ap – assault 2 monofilament
mono- weaver : 48″ s 6 ap 6, heavy 1 small blast, monofilament, barrage.
mono-cannon:scattered: 48″ s 7 ap 6 heavy 1 larg blast, monofilament, pinning, barrage
concentrated: flame s 7 ap 6 heavy 1 monofilament, torrent.
monofilmanet: if the targeted unit has initiative 3 or less (or nothing) the strength of the weapon counts as beeing one point higher. on a wound roll of 6 thiw weapon wounds automatically and counts as ap 1units with mixed initiative use the highest initiative.

orkan rocketlauncher:36″ s 4 ap 3 heavy 2 small blast, barrage.

fire prism:scattered: 60″ s 5 ap 3 heavy 1 large blast
concentrated: 60″ s 7 ap 2 heavy 1 small blast
lance mode : 60″ s 9 ap 1 heavy 1 lance

ranger rifle: 36″ sx ap 6 heavy 1 sniper

shuriken pistol : 12″ s 4 ap 5 pistol, shurikenstorm
shuriken catalpult : 12″ s 4 ap 5 assault 2 shurikenstorm
hunting catapult (Dire Avengers version): 18″ s 4 ap 5 assault 2 shurikenstorm
shurken cannon : 24″ s 6 ap 5 assault 3 shurikenstorms
creamer cannon : 24″ s 6 ap 5 assault 3 pinning, shurikenstorm
shurikenstorm : to wound rolls of 6 count as automatically wounded with ap 2

scorpion saber (the exchangeable weapon for pistol and sword on Exarch): shooting: 12″ s 4 ap 5 assault 2, shurikenstorm
melee: s+1 ap 5 melee, rending.
scorpion scissiors (power claw): shooting: 12″ s 4 ap 5 assault 2 shurikenstor
mmelee: sx2 ap 2 melee (not unwieldly)

starcannon : 36″ s 6 ap 2 heavy 2
suncannon: 48″ s 6 ap 2 heavy 3 small blasts
star lance (shining spear exarch): shooting: 6″ s 8 ap 2 assault 1 lance
melee: s 8 ap 2 melee, impact, lance
impact: in the phases the user didnt assault with this weapon the weapon counts as a normal close combat weapon instead.
Runes of Battle: each power has 2 effects. one for you and one for the enemy
primary:either : blessing: the psyker and his unit have the shrouded special rule
or : a enemy unit within 18″ loses the shrouded special rule

1.either : witchfire: flamer s 5 ap 4 assault 1 soulblaze
or: blessing: heals a lost wound on a model in a unit within 18″, cannot restore dead models.

2. either: blessing: the psyker and his unit have the fearless special rule
or: malediction: a enemy unit within 18″ reduces its LD by -3

3.either: blessing: the psyker and his unit have +1 ws and I
or : malediction: a enemy unit within 18″ have -1 ws and I

4. either: blessing: the psyker and his unit increase their armorsave by 1 (yes. 2+ armor for wraithguard/blades!!)
or: a enemy unit within 18″ reduces its armorsave by 1 (terminators get powerarmor, lol)
5. either: blessing: the psyker and his unit run additional 3″
or: malediction: a enemy unit within 18″ cannot run

6.either: blessing: the psyker and his unit have +1 S
or: malediction: a enemy unit within 18″ has -1 S
Relics can be given to almost every autarch, runeprophet etc.

Runes of Fate:primary: blessing: friendly unit within 24″ may reroll failed to hit rolls
1.focused witchfire: 24″ a enemy model suffers 3 hits with the strength of the runeprophet and the special rule lifebane. if a model gets killed by this targets another model with 2 hits. if one gets killed by that, the last one gets hit 1 time.

2. malediction: 24″ range, if the target is a non vehicle unit all failed to wound rolls may be rerolled against the target. if the target is a vehicle every attack against it can reroll failed armor pen rolls.

3. witchfire: 24″ s 3 ap – assault 1 larg blast, haywire, lifebane, pinning

4.blessing: the runeprophet gains d3+2 token. at the ending of each phase the runeprophet has to roll a d6. on a 1-3 one token gets removed. on a 4+ nothing happens until the end of the next long as the runeprophet has at least one token his stats get increased by:WS, BS, I +5 and attacks +2. he also gains the rampage and fearless special rules.if the runeprophet loses the last marker or the game ends he is removed as a casuality. (this isnt even my final form!)

5.blessing: a friendly unit within 24″ may reroll all failed saves

6. focused witchfire: 24″the runeprophet and the target both roll a d6 and add their ld.if the target result is higher, the runeprophets WS and BS gets reduced to 1.if the result is equal the target model reduces its WS and BS to 1.if the runeprophets result is higher the target suffers as many wounds as there was a difference in the result. in addition WS and BS gets reduced to 1. no armor or coversaves allowed.thats it guys. im finished, my hands hurthope you guys are happy

More Wednesday AM!
