Even More Warhammer Box Sets Going For Super Cheap on eBay

ebay-primaris-space-marinesDon’t miss even more Warhammer 40k and AoS box sets and bundle deals that are going for super cheap on eBay right now!

These are on eBay, so when they are gone, they are gone (but at least each listing has more than one box available)! However, if you can jump on them quickly, you’ll save a bunch of cash compared to what they were going for initially.

Even More Warhammer Going For Super Cheap on eBay

This month we saw something a little different on eBay, but it’s still a decent deal to get any Warhammer minis that are hard to find for cheap!

Here are two more deals for you, as one box is going for basically cost, and the other is a good deal if you need some new terrain!  Plus, we found another banger of a Warhammer 40k deal that is already going for pretty close to cost!

Fronteris Nachmund Battlezone Terrain

eBay Cheap WarhammerIf you want a bunch of GW terrain in one buy, then this is probably the time to get it! Especially considering this is about $70 off the original price, and if you look at the amount, they have over ten left, meaning you can get in there and get your terrain for cheap.

We actually did a value breakdown on this, and it has about $360 worth of terrain in GW money. So, at about $70 off, this might be worth the pickup!

Combat Patrol Deathwatch

eBay Warhammer Cheap 2If you want some Deathwatch Space Marines, you need to look at this! This is almost at cost, so you’re never going to get a better deal than this for Deathwatch.

We broke down the value of this, and it has about $200 in MSRP, meaning at this price, you’ll get double your money in terms of value! At the time of writing this, it says they have more than ten available, meaning you have a good chance of scoring one.

Most of the Warhammer Box Sets we mentioned before are still going for a huge discount right now, with the biggest value still being in the Black Templars army box (and now the Death Watch box is giving it a run for its money).

2019 Warhammer 40k: Combat Arena:

Combat arenaAs we said, just one model (the Technoarcheologist) is out now separately for $33.50. Then a lot of the other minis inside, you can’t score anywhere other than the secondary market, so you know they are semi-expensive already.

On top of that, you get a full board game to play! While this is more for collectors, it does score you five minis (four of which are hard to get) and a new game to play.

This is also the cheapest we have seen this game since it first dropped back in 2019 at Barnes and Noble.

eBay Miniatures Cheap 2Here’s everything you get in the set:

  • 5 highly detailed Citadel Miniatures
  • 16-page rule book
  • 1 double-sided game board 
  • 1 double-sided game token sheet
  • 6 six-sided game dice
  • 5 fighter reference cards
  • 30 action cards
  • 20 initiative cards
  • 16 critical injury cards

Kill Team Nachmund:


This box is currently going for about $20 over cost, which is just wild considering how much you get inside, especially the terrain.

We did a value breakdown back when it was released in early 2022, and there is a ton of savings to be had in there.

Keep in mind there has been a price increase since then as well, so there is even more value to be had now.

Last week we also looked at some other deals, some of which are insane. So, don’t wait any longer to pick them up!

Black Templars Army Box:

Containing 13 miniatures, 12 of which are available for the first time in this very box, this is the perfect place to start a Black Templars army or build on your existing force. Leading the charge is the stunning new Emperor’s Champion, and ensuring that the correct vows are uttered and devotions followed is a Marshal. 

Warhammer box sets cheap

This originally retailed for $199, so if you get it from eBay, you’ll actually save 50%! Which actually gives you a bunch of great value! If you’ve been looking to start a new army or pump yours up, you can’t really go wrong with this.

Especially considering one Primaris Crusader Squad box goes for $60 alone!

Chalnath Kill Team Box Set

Warhammer box sets cheap 2

This went for $170, so while not as big of a discount as the Black Templar box, this is still a pretty sweet deal and can get you into Kill Team on the cheap complete with terrain and two squads!

Dominion Box Set

Dominion boxThere are a bunch of these listings, which makes sense, as these didn’t do so well when they were released in 2021. Still, this is a great deal at about $100-$110 and will get you an insane number of minis for that price! In theory, you get almost $400 in value at this price, so hard to pass up if you want to play either Stormcasts or Kruleboyz!

Into the Dark:

into the darkThis originally went for $210, so it’s a great deal at this price! Especially considering these are still extremely new minis (and not available on their own at the time of writing this). You’ll still get a lot of minis for fairly cheap, including the new breached models for the Imperial Navy.

Click Here To Shop Cheap Warhammer Deals

If these appeal to you, don’t miss these Warhammer 40k and AoS box sets and bundle deals that are going for super cheap on eBay right now!

Load Up on Wrath & Glory RPG Cheap: 40k Humble Bundle!

Wrath and Glory Humble Bundle

Grab your d6s and embark on a grim and glorious journey in a system cut off from the Emperor’s light in Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay: Wrath & Glory! This tabletop RPG bundle features everything you need for limitless Warhammer 40,000 adventure, including the core rulebook, guides to vehicles and space hulks, exciting scenarios, and a wealth of resources for players and gamemasters. Prepare for dark, epic sci-fi roleplaying, and help support Children’s Health Ireland with your purchase!

The last bundles we covered were for Deathwatch and Rogue Trader, but they have a different RPG style this time around! 

Here are the contents of the current 25-item bundle that can net you a $189 total value for just $18!

Wrath and Glory Humble Bundle 4This level gets you 25 items with a lot of RPG options and some interesting new titles.  If you need to buff up your reading and RPGs for the next couple of months, you might as well go big.  

Click Here to Get The Wrath & Glory RPG Cheap

Are you going to pick up any of these Warhammer box sets cheap on eBay? Which is your favorite? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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