Recently one of the Spikey Bits writers started a huge, er small, project. Beef, recently purchased a treasure trove of sealed in package squat miniatures, and has begun constructing the mother of all Squat armies.
He picked up the collection from Tyton Games in Illinois, and my what a collection it is. I’m still getting all the video and pictures together, but I have this little appetizer of a vintage “Space Dwarves” squad box to hold you over until then.
As you can see from the pictures, the box is in very good condition, and the sides are like a time capsule going back to the early days of Games Workshop.
Here’s some of the vintage 40k kits from that time period as well. Best part is each of the sides of the box depicts a different range of Games Workshop’s products as well.
Besides the tons of video we shot, and Beef has launched a new big, er small, blog all about his new project! May I present to you the newest blog dedicated to squats on the tubes, Squat on My Smiley Face.
You owe it to yourself to checkout a beautifully preserved piece of 40k history on video below. -MBG