Everything We Like About The Invictor Tactical Warsuit

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Don’t miss all the spicy things we like  about the new Space Marine Invictor Tactical Warsuit. Plus we break down its rules, points, and uses in 8th Edition.

We’ve been seeing preview after preview on all of the support coming to Primaris in the next few days. However, the jury is still out on how good the Invictor Tactical Warsuit will be.

Invictor Warsuit Data Sheet

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Originally, it was thought that the Warsuit got the Ironhail Autocannon AND the Incendium Cannon. However, you actually have to pick. You can get a 6-shot autocannon arm but this unit doesn’t ignore Heavy. That means you’ll almost always be hitting on a 4+ without this unit even being degraded. On the flip side, with a 48″ range, you can always hang these guys back and they shouldn’t have to move too much. -You just won’t be using their concealed positions rule.

For the Incendium Cannon, this thing is pretty sweet. it’s an auto-hitting 2d6 Heavy Flamer with a 12″ range. If someone tries to deepstrike remotely close to these guys, they’ll be getting slapped with a flamer in overwatch. Keep in mind you can custom chapter them to be 15″ too.

For its other arm, it’s got four attacks at S14 AP-3 3 damage. If you wanted to use these guys as infiltrating wrecking balls, the Incendium Cannon might be the best option. You can move 10″, reap full benefit from shooting a 2D6 Heavy Flamer, and then charge into armor. If you’re bringing three like this and infiltrating all of them, your opponent will be forced to react to them.

Another key takeaway is that this is only T6 with 13 wounds and a 3+ save. It’s on the squishy side but it should be able to tank a few Lascannon shots. Just don’t expect these dudes to hang around on the tabletop too long.

The benefit is three deploying to hold objectives/spearheading a push at your opponent may be very real. Only time will tell for sure…

Points & Wargear

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The Invictor Warsuit was spotted in the ELITES Section of points so keep that in mind while you’re making your lists. As for its base cost, it’ll be costing 90 pts without wargear.

Looking at what comes with every Warsuit as a mandatory option, they’ll have an Invictor fist, two Ironhail Heavy Stubbers, and a Fragstorm Grenade Launcher.

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The Invictor Fist, is 0 pts, and the Fragstorm Grenade Launchers will be tacking on 4 additional pts for each unit.

Finally, for the mandatory equipment, you’ll have to pay another 12 pts for the twin Heavy Stubbers. Now it comes down to which main weapon you want to put on. Calculating all of the mandatory points including the main weapons, you’re looking at a rough figure of:

  • Warsuit with Ironhail Autocannon: 126 pts (Autocannon costing 21).
  • Warsuit with Incendium Cannon: 116 pts  (Incindium Canonn costing 15).

Overall, these things look like faster, more versatile Dreadnoughts with a cheaper price tag. Bringing one in a list just might get hated on so the best option for running these guys will probably be to max them out at three per list.

What do you think about the Warsuit? Which weapon goes best with your list? Will you be Infiltrating them with the Flamer or hanging them back with character buffs and letting them shoot Autocannons? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!