Exciting New Accessories For 40k Apocalypse REVEALED

shadowsword 40k apocalypse

Did you catch all these new release accessories that will accompany 40k Apocalypse for 2019? Don’t miss the latest on what was just revealed!

Come and take a look at no holds barred war on the grandest scale as Games Workshop pulls back the curtain on the new Warhammer 40k Apocalypse.

Warhammer Community first unveiled at Adepticon that Games Workshop revamped how the classic Apocalypse game runs. Now it will be a streamlined game and bringing it up to par with 8th Edition 40k.

Here is what we know so far.


Games Workshop has a new video showing clips of us how a game in progress and you will notice something new to the way you play for sure..movement trays!

The new Apocalypse brings grand strategy to your tabletop with an all-new gaming system designed to simulate the 41st Millennium’s most colossal conflicts. Detachments move in unison to perform devastating assaults, and as a Warmaster commanding an apocalyptic army, you’ll be making decisions that affect the lives of hundreds of your miniatures at a time.

They have taken what they have learned from large events like the  American Team championships, Adepticon, and the Las Vegas Open and utilized it into their game design for Apocalypse, movement trays have been in most people’s hobby tool bag for years and will speed up your games for sure! Just one of the ways GW has developed the game to move faster.

Games Workshop Warhammer 40k movement trays apoclaypse

Looks like trays for both 25mm and 32mm figures are coming soon. 40k Players, in general, should be happy about this as well!

Downtime between your actions is minimal, meaning even the most massive games stay engaging. Damage is resolved at the end of the turn – so if you’ve been waiting for weeks to use that Reaver Titan, your enemy won’t get to shoot it off the table before it has a chance to retaliate! It’s brutal, it’s strategic, and it’s got some of the most intense, concentrated carnage ever seen in a tabletop wargame.

40k apocalypse 2

The Apocalypse boxed set is your gateway to a world of bigger battles. The 120-page Field Manual contains the full rules to the system alongside tips for organizing your games and building your collection, while 6 sheets of punch-out tokens make keeping track of the battlefield at a glance simple. 300 Command Asset cards give you a huge range of tactical choices and include bespoke options for many Warhammer 40,000 Factions, from cunning maneuvers to the return of the infamous vortex grenade.


Getting involved with Apocalypse will be simple. All the rules you need to play the game are in the box, and the rules for your army will be available to download free at launch. Apocalypse has been designed to be highly scalable and to work with your existing collection, so if you already have a Warhammer 40,000 army, you have an Apocalypse Detachment ready to go – just team up with some friends, and you’ve got yourself a game!

Here we get to see the contents inside the new Apoc box and man look at that stack of cards! That should add massive replayability to the game and keep things interesting for sure. The only thing missing from the box from the above video is the new movement trays, but for most people who play Warhammer 4ok getting your hands on movement trays, should be fairly easy.


Images Courtesy of Hobby Hero Garro

These weres spotted at the event as it looks like separate packs of Apocalypse Datacards are going to be available for the game (while supplies last) in a format that looks to be the same size as the previous Imperial Knight (and AoS 1.0) ones from June of last year.  Also coming to shelves appear to be a command assets deck as well.

Not sure why you would need more assets cards when the box comes with over 100 already, perhaps they are faction specific or expansion of play?


To celebrate the launch of the new edition of Apocalypse, we’re inviting you to be a part of wargaming history. Later this year, at Warhammer World, you’ll have the chance to help us break the record for the largest Warhammer game in history – stay tuned for more details on how you can get involved soon.

Games Workshop is even holding a massive event at Warhammer World this August to host the largest game of Warhammer 40k ever played. Sounds like a blast!

This new edition of Warhammer 40k Apocalypse looks like the best and most streamlined edition yet and we can’t wait to get our hands on a copy!

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What do you think of the new edition of Apocalypse? Too much or just right? Let us know what you think, comment in our Facebook Hobby Group.