Exclusive Primaris Lieutenant is ETB Snap Fit: Unbox & Build

Don’t miss our unboxing and build of the new Exclusive Space Marine Primaris Lieutenant that is Easy to Build (ETB) snap-fit!

Are scouring the Internet looking to pick up the new 2019 Adepticon Exclusive Primaris Lieutenant? Want to see the mini in action before you buy one off eBay? We have you covered!

The Back Story:

promo mini GW Exclusive Event Minis For Stores & Tournaments LATEST

We feel a little bit of backstory is in order. In the GW Preview at Adepticon 2018, the team at Games Workshop announced that they would be creating some amazing exclusive event minis for larger events like Adepticon.

Fast forward to one year later and Games workshop has delivered with this sweet mini that you could by at their booth for $35. Let’s take a look at this cool new mini so you can be better informed before you spend your hobby dollars.

The Exclusive Mini:


At first glance, you will notice a couple of things from the assembly instructions. One, this mini does not have a lot of parts. Two, you will notice that there are pegs and holes. Yes, this is essentially a $35 Easy-to-Build kit from GW that doesn’t look to have a lot of conversions or pose options. That being said, this mini is easy for even the most inexperienced hobbyist to add to their tabletop collection.


The details on this mini are amazing! Though it is an ETB kit, Games Workshop did a great job with the sculpt. The head itself looks easy to swap out if you would like. However, the shoulder pad would need a little work to make a new one fit in. But you could theme this Lieutenant to your current Space Marine Chapter if you wanted!


Here he is folks ready for the tabletop no glue required! This new Exclusive Adepticon 2019 mini would be a great collector’s mini in any Space Marine army.

As always, keep those hobby muscles strong, stay in the trenches, and check out our Exclusive Primaris Lieutenant is ETB Snap Fit: Unbox & Build video below!