Execution Forrce: Assassins Conversion Corner

chaos assassin eversor

When you need to call in someone to take care of your worst problems, make sure you call in an Assassin. They are the best at taking care of the issue!

Come see some cool execution force conversions brought to us by Hayden Baverstock on Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook Group.

Finished group shot of my new assassins, wasn’t really a fan of the giant head mounted contraption on the Culexus so I went for a handheld version instead

Still have 6 bodies left over, not sure if I should make another 4 assassins or put them aside for another project


You first need to decide what type of assassin is best for the job you have at hand.


Do you want them to kill the enemy up close or would you prefer them to never hear there own death coming?


Whatever you decide they have a way to do that for you. They can also make them suffer as much as you like.


“We are the silent death!”

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!