Fabius Bile Unboxing & Build Warhammer 40k Chaos

fabius bile unboxingChaos be praised, the Spider is finally here- don’t miss our unboxing and build the new 40k Fabius Bile miniature from Games Workshop!

Today we are unboxing the latest release from Games Workshop and this week it is the man, the myth, the legend, Fabius Bill himself. We are going to be unboxing this mini and show you what you need to do to get him ready for your 9th edition games- now featuring Fabius Bile!

Fabius Bile: $40

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Fabius BileThis 21-piece kit creates one Fabius Bile and one Surgeon Acolyte. It comes supplied with a 40mm Citadel round base and a 32mm Citadel round base.  Rules for using Fabius and his Surgeon Acolyte can be found in Psychic Awakening: War of the Spider.

Fabius BileWhen you get into the instructions for Fabius you will see that this is definitely a miniature that you are going to want to take your time on. To start with the very first thing you have to do is glue the legs to the front half of the miniature that along with the many hoses and small backpack appendages. are going to require focus and patience to do the Clonefather justice.

Fabius BileHere on the sprue, you can see that there are a lot of small parts to keep up with. But the attention to detail on these models is amazing. Again you are going to want to take the assembly of this miniature slow and dry fit all your parts before applying glue.

Fabius BileHere he is folks! This new miniature duo looks great and will be stealing all the geneseeds in a galaxy near you soon.

As always, keep those hobby muscles strong, stay in the trenches, and check out our video below! Patreon supporters of Spikey Bits get models like this each month shipped to them.

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